How to explain to a customer some confusion in the bill?


Wrong bills often infuriate the customers and they tend to take out their frustrations on customer service executives. The experience can be grueling for both the executive as well as the customer. You need to keep calm and politely explain the mix up and aptly apologize. Whether the customer stays back or leaves your service depends on how tactfully you deal with such situations. Use your English conversational skills to defuse the situation and make a customer happy.


Things to keep in mind when explaining some confusion in a bill to a customer:

1. Explain why it happened

You may have inadvertently mixed up the prices or forgot to add a free offer. Either way own up your mistake and admit it. Customers will appreciate your honest reply instead of giving excuses. Explain your genuine mistakes to your customers.

2. Stay calm

It is very important to stay calm in such situations. If you lose your cool, it will lead to an explosive situation. Listen to what the customer has to say and let him finish. Once he has expended his energy, calmly apologize politely and ensure that it never happens again.

3. Compensate

If possible, it is a good idea to compensate the customer for the hassle underwent. It may be in the form of a pen or chocolates, but the gesture will impress the customer. He will understand that the mistake was done unintentionally and will calm down. His loyalty will be increased by such simple gestures. A polite and helpful customer service will make a long term impact.

confusion in the bill

A sample conversation for explaining bill confusion to a customer:

Situation- You are the cashier at Wal-Mart. A customer comes up to you clutching a bill in his hand.

Customer: Hello, I had purchased some items yesterday. But there is a problem with the bill.
You: May I know what the problem is?

Customer: According to my calculations the bill should come to around Rs. 460 instead of Rs. 500. I checked the items and it seems that you have billed for 2 soaps instead of 1.

You: Please let me check the bill.

You: Sir, if you have bought two soaps, then both will be charged.

Customer: But it is clearly mentioned that one is free. Then how could you charge me for it?

You: Please wait while I check if the offer is still there.

You: I am really sorry Sir. The offer is still there, but I was unaware of it.

Customer: That is your problem. You should be aware of all the policies in the store.

You: You are right and I really apologize for the mix up. Here, I will refund the extra Rs.40 and here's a five star for the ordeal.

Customer: Thanks. But please ensure that such things do not happen again.

You: You can be assured of that Sir.

The above sample conversation shows how to explain confusions in the bill to a customer. Make the customer happy with your polite English conversation skills. Keep your mind clear while dealing with such volatile situations. You can further improve your spoken English with the help of an online English teacher.

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- By Shailja Varma

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