How to Sign Off an Email?


In one day, we shoot a number of emails in our professional lives. You may write an email to your senior authorities, subordinate employees, clients and colleague for various reasons. While sending a business email, it is important to maintain a professional tone. Along with your introduction and body of email, you also have to pay attention to the appropriate closing.  How you sign off an email, speaks a lot about your personality and shows gratitude towards the recipient of the email. How you sign off or close an email depends on what kind of rapport or relation you share with the recipient.


Following points will guide you regarding the signing off an email.

1. Sincerely: If you are using an opening as ‘Dear’ salutation statement, prefer to use ‘Sincerely’ as a Closing statement. It’s a kind of formal closing statement.

2. Yours Truly or Sincerely: These are quite old ways of greetings. Generally, avoid using these statements in professional emails. You can use it for your teachers and for the people who have helped you a lot in your personality development.

3. Best Regards: Best is among the safest possible choices, inoffensive and almost universally appreciated. You can prefer writing this in a professional email which showcases a gratitude for the person to whom you are sending an email. But this should be used for the initial communication with the receiver.

4. Warm Regards: You can use this for professional purposes while sending an email with frequently communicated receiver. This also showcases your gratitude to the recipient and shows that you are concerned about him/her.

5. Yours respectfully: Avoid using this as closing unless you are sending an email to any Government Representative or Authority.

6. Best Wishes: This is also one of the good closing salutations for a professional email communication. You can use it for frequent communication with the same receiver.

7. Thanking You/Thank You: This also showcases yours respect and sincerity towards the recipient. But strictly avoid ‘Thanks’ in place of these both as it conveys your casual approach towards the communication.

8. Avoid use of abbreviations: Strictly avoid abbreviations like Thnx, Gm, Hnd, TTYL, as it creates bad impression of you and showcases a casual approach to the receiver of the email.

9. Looking Forward/Speak with you soon: These closings are also fine but only if you really want to do so.

Always mention your details after closing greetings. It is essential to mention your details, like your name, designation, contact details, and address after the closing statement. This enables the reader to know more about you and, he/she/they may contact you, if required.


Thanking You.

Best Regards,
Name : ABC
Designation : Network Security Executive
Add : 402, Ramchandra Complex, M. G. Road, Thane (Pin : 421 190)
Contact : 9874561230

Hope the above explanation has conveyed the way of signing off an email, which is very essential part of closing of corporate communication. Improve your English by just downloading our Simply English app. You can join our Online Spoken English Tutorials and make learning simple.

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-By Shailja Varma

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