What are some important email etiquette


What is an Email?:

E-mail means electronic mail. E-mail is the way of exchanging digital messages from one person to the other. The computer is used to compose an email message. After the message is composed it is sent to the recipient’s address by pressing the send option in the email program. The message is transmitted from the sender’s computer and it is received by the recipient at his end. There are some important email etiquettes that need to be followed while writing a mail.

Need of Email Etiquettes:

E –mail etiquettes are important due to the below mentioned reasons. They are as follows:

  1. Email should be written in proper language. A positive and a professional image can be created if emails are written in proper language.
  2. Emails can be very effective if written correctly. Poorly worded emails can create a negative impression in the mind of the recipient.


Some Important Email Etiquettes

Some important email etiquettes are as follows:

  1. The presentation and language of your email creates an impression in the mind of the recipient. A poorly worded email can never create a positive impression in the mind of the reader. A sloppy email can never capture the attention of the recipient and he may even forget to read such mails.
  2. A subject needs to be mentioned in the subject line of your email. A precise subject in the subject line is one of the most important etiquettes.
  3. You can create your own email signature. Email signature will create an impression of you being a professional in the mind of the recipient. A signature can include your name, your company name, your position, the website and your email address.
  4. Always know who you’re referring to and address the person with the correct name in your email.
  5. Write clearly and precisely but you should use a friendly tone. You should not sound too rude or arrogant.
  6. You should use correct spellings, grammar, and punctuation in your email. Incorrect spelling or punctuation can create a bad impression.
  7. There should be any delay in reply. It means that when you receive emails from customers try to reply at least the same working day.
  8. Proper format and structure should be used to write an email.
  9. Do not write the email in capital letter.

10.Read the email before you send it. This is very essential as this can help you to correct any kind of spelling or grammatical error if there is any.

11.You should not overuse the reply to all option. Use this option when you really want everybody to see the reply who has received your original email.

12.Do not use abbreviations in official emails.

13.Avoid long sentences and try to write your email in active voice.

14.There is no need to attach unnecessary files. If you’re trying to send a large attachment, try to compress and send it. Do not send attachments unnecessarily.

15.Try to use neutral gender while writing emails.



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