
How to Write a Resume for a Job?



What is a Resume?:
Resume is a brief written account of personal, educational, professional qualifications and experience. It is prepared by a jobseeker or an applicant for a job. When a candidate applies for a job, he or she needs to submit resume first. The resume needs to be very impressive so that it can capture the attention of the interviewer and the candidate can have better chances of getting the job.


How to Write a Good Resume:

A Good Resume

Here are some tips on how to write a perfect resume.

The tips are as follows:

  1. When you’re writing the resume for the first time, try to make it short and simple. It should not be more than one page.
  2. Don’t lie and you should not include any kind of false or wrong statement in your resume. Always be true to who you are.
  3. While selecting a format, select a standardized and simple one.
  4. Use off-white or white paper to write the resume.
  5. All kinds of important information like address, contact number, email id should be correctly mentioned in your resume.
  6. In the introductory paragraph, list your strengths and jot them down in 2 to 3 sentences.
  7. In the next paragraph, write down about your work experiences if you have any.
  8. If you do not have any work experience, in that case you can mention about any voluntary work done.
  9. Next mention about your educational and professional qualifications in your resume.
  10. Also mention about your extracurricular activities and your hobbies in your resume.
  11. Finally or lastly mention your personal traits, talents, and special skills in your resume.


Importance of English in Resume Writing

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A good resume written in correct English can impress an interviewer a lot. There should not be any kind of spelling mistake in your resume. The sentence structure should be proper and correct without any mistake. For writing a perfect resume in correct English, you need to learn English language. You can also improve your writing skills by joining an online English course. The teachers are very competent and they can teach and help you develop your writing skills. Not only your writing skills improve, the online English course can also help you improve your speaking, vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening skills. Good writing skills can help you write a better resume and thus help you get hold of the attention of the interviewer very easily.


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