
How to Write Various Greeting Messages?


What are Greeting Messages?:

hw_write_greeting_img_1Greeting messages are friendly messages that are sent to friends. There can be different types of greetings. Greetings can be expressed through gestures or it can be expressed physically. Greetings are generally expressed before the start of a conversation. Formal greetings include a kiss, a handshake, a bow, or a hug. In formal greeting, we use different messages to greet our friends, colleagues, or family members. People greet each other to show their love, friendliness, and respect. There are different greeting messages that can be used. It is very important to know how to use these greeting messages most appropriately.

How to Write Various Greeting Messages

Tips on how to write various greeting messages

There are several instructions that should be kept in mind while writing greeting messages. The instructions are as follows:


  1. Before you write a greeting message to someone, know who the person is. Is the person your husband or a close friend? If the person is your close friend you would certainly make personal comments. But if the person is one of your colleagues in that case do not make any personal comment. Make a general comment.
  2. While writing a greeting message you should be careful about the occasion. If the occasion is a birthday or an anniversary messages like “Many many happy returns of the day”, or “Wishing you a happy anniversary” can make the recipient feel important. Handwritten greeting messages can make the recipient feel happy and recognized.
  3. Be careful of the language that you are using while writing greeting messages. If you are writing a greeting message to your old friend some humor can be added to it. But if the person is not known to you so well, it is better to avoid the use of humor.
  4. If you are not sure about how to write greeting messages, you can use a book of quotes and use some other author’s words to write greeting messages.



Some Common Greeting Messages

Common Greeting Messages


Some greeting messages are mentioned below:

Casual Greetings
  1. Hello. How are you?
  2. How have you been?
  3. Hope you are doing well.
Get Well Messages
  1. I am sorry to hear the news.
  2. Hope for your speedy recovery.
  3. Get well soon.

Birthday Greetings

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Wishing you lots of joy and happiness on this special day!
  3. Wishing you loads of happiness, enjoy! Have a blast! Happy Birthday!


  1. Best Wishes on this special day!
  2. Wishing you a happy married life!
  3. Congratulations! May your love continue to grow and make your life more wonderful!

New Year’s Day

  1. Have a wonderful year ahead!
  2. Best Wishes for a healthy and happy new year.
  3. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous new year!


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