
Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech:

There are many words in any language but they have different functions. For example some words express things or actions and words, combine to form another words. So these words are building blocks of any language. Just like parts of the house. If we want to build a house we need to   have bricks, cement with concrete base. We use windows and door to make door ways to combine all of these we use cement and each part has its own function. In the same way when we want to construct a sentence we use different words and each one has gone its own function.

In English we categories words into eight basic types they are called “Parts of speech”. They are noun, verb, pronoun, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction and interjection.


What is an Adjective?

An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of noun or pronoun. The word, boy is a noun. We can say a tall boy, an intelligent boy, a rich boy, a polite boy, lazy boy etc. In these expressions the words tall, polite, rich, lazy describe the noun boy. All these words are adjectives. An adjective is a describing word. When we use adjectives with nouns, they make nouns precise. They also make language beautiful. We should clearly know what we want to say about people or things and choose the adjectives accordingly.

•    Derrick is a kind and generous boy.

  •     She is wearing a beautiful skirt.

What is a Noun?

A simple definition of noun is a person, place or thing.

  •     Person: man, child, Leena, Jason
  •     Place:  office, city, India, New York
  •     Thing:  chair, box, book money

A noun is usually the name of a person, place, thing, idea or quality.

•    Rome is the capital of Italy.

  •     Mr. Roy will get the books on Monday.

What is a Verb?

A verb is a part of speech that conveys action or a state of action. Eg. Bring , talk, read etc.

It is the most important part of a sentence. It asserts something about the subject of the sentence and expresses action, event or state of being.
Verbs are a necessary component in a sentence. They put static objects in motion and help to clarify objects meaningfully.

•    I shall plant a new sapling in May.
•    He painted landscapes for the exhibition.
•    She crunched chips and wafers during lunch.


What is an Adverb?

An adverb is a part of speech that is primarily used to modify a  verb , adjective or another adverb. It appears before or after the word it modifies.

The position of the adverb has an effect on the meaning of the sentence.

Adverbs typically add information about time, manner or place. They tell more about other words. They are descriptive words that convey a sense of when, where or why.

•    The fast train from Chicago to New York leaves at 11.00am.
•    She solved the sums quickly.
•    The dress is exquisitely beautiful.


What is a Preposition

A preposition is the connecting word showing the relation of a noun to some other word in the sentence. It is used to express a number of relationships including time, location, manner, means, quantity, purpose and state or condition.

•    He will reach home by midnight.
•    She will come to office for two hours.
•    The dog is in the kennel.


What is a pronoun?

A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. It refers to a person, place, thing, feeling or quality but does not refer to it by it’s name.

We use pronouns in a sentence to avoid repetition. Pronouns are used in the second and subsequent mention of the same person or thing.

•    When I arrived at the house, the boy who is called Seth, greeted me.
•    He was thinking about the trip. I was thinking about that too.
•    The girls dressed themselves.


What is a conjunction?

This part of speech connects words, phrases, clauses or sentences. The common conjunctions are and, but, for, or, nor and yet.

These words help us to gracefully transition from one part of the sentence to another part of a sentence.  They allow us to transition from the first independent clause to the second independent clause. They facilitate the termination of a series.


•    She put the cake in the oven and she served tea.
•    He won a medal for he played well.
•    They are tired but they will go for a walk.


What is an interjection?

An interjection is a sudden short utterance. This part of speech usually expresses emotion and is capable of standing alone.

They are words that show emotion and are not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence. They are usually one or two words that come at the beginning of the sentence. They show happiness, sadness, anger surprise etc. These words do not interact with any other word in the sentence.

An interjection does not modify anything or get modified.

•    Wow! I love the dress.
•    Ugh! That is a horrible sight.
•    Oops! I nearly slipped.

What is the difference between adjectives and adverbs?

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