Punctuation Marks
1. . Period or full stop
2. , Comma
3. ? Question mark or why?
4. ! Exclamation mark
5. ‘ Apostrophe
6. “Quotation marks
7. : Colon
8. ; Semi Colon
9. … Ellipsis
10. – Hyphen
11. () Parentheses
12. / Slash
13. ( Bracket
. Period
This is used to mark the end of a sentence which is not a
question or an exclamation. It also indicates an abbreviation.
• Mahatma Gandhi is the Father of the Nation.
• New Delhi is the capital of India.
, Comma
This is a mark of punctuation that is used to indicate a
separation of ideas within the structure of the sentence or a
division in a sentence and a pause. It is also used to separate
items in a list and to mark off thousands in numerals.
• After lunch, she went out for a picnic.
• He bought pencils, erasers, sharpeners and a ruler for

? Question Mark

This is used to turn a sentence into a question. It denotes that
The person is seeking information and hoping for a reply.
• Are you ready to speak?
• When did you write this article?
! Exclamation Mark
This is used at the end of sentences that express a strong
Emotion. Exclamatory sentences are often short.
• Help! I am drowning!
• What a miracle!
‘ Apostrophes
This looks like a comma put above a word. It is used in the place of a missing letter or word and to show possession.
• She doesn’t know where to find her bag.
• Susan’s dog is a German Shepherd.
“ Speech Marks
Quotation marks or speech marks are used to show the exact
words spoken or written by a person. A direct quote repeats
the actual words a person says or writes.
• Rita said,” Take Rakesh to the store with you, Meena.”
• ‘I can’t find it anywhere,” replied Sonia.
; Semi Colon
This is used in the place of a comma and conjunction when
connecting two separate sentences. It just connects two
independent sentences without the need for conjunction.
There is usually a stronger condition between the clauses.
• You really don’t know how hard I have worked; You really
have no idea.
• I shall return today; I don’t intend to stay here.
: Colon
A colon is used to introduce a list. It can be a formal introduction using as follows or less formal.
• The answers are as follows: weapons, ammunition, artillery
• My list of guests include: the Mayor, Deputy Mayor,
Counciller and the local politicians.
... Ellipsis
This is indicated by three dots in succession or one after the
other. When you leave part of a quotation which does not add
much to the meaning of the quote, the omitted part is
marked by using an ellipsis
• When the lady looked above she couldn’t believe what
she saw…
• Neeta went to the market…Seema will meet her there.
() Parentheses
This is an explanation or a comment within a sentence that is
already complete. This interrupts the normal flow of the
sentence and is a message that digresses from the main
subject. These are upright curved lines. They are also called
round brackets and always occur in pairs.
• On that occasion (rare) she decided to invite everyone.
• The Battle of Plassey (as you have read) was in 1757.
( Brackets
These are marks of punctuation used within the text to set
apart other text.They enclose words that have been inserted.
• I got my first job (in Melbourne) in 2008.
• He is still getting used to the language (the accent is very
strong) and the food.
- Hyphen
It is a horizontal sign indicating two words or compound read as one.
• This house has a nice walk-in closet.
• I traveled twenty-four hours at a stretch last week.
/ Slash
This means ‘or’
• Do you want a pastry/ice cream?
• I enjoy reading fiction/non - fiction.
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