How to describe your traveling experience by flight?

A true travel experience is when you remember the entire journey from scratch. It should ideally comprise of moments so special that you can just close your eyes and virtually experience the time you left, the travel to and fro, as well as what you experienced on the way and during your stay. Understand the point that you can use your travel experience to differentiate yourself. You can make it sound so lively and realistic that the listener immerses himself or herself into the flow. The only thing you need to focus on is your English communication skills as a well communicated experience elevates the entire feel of your enjoyable journey.

Let's now take a situation and an example that will give you a nudge in the right direction when being asked to describe your traveling experience.


You've been in the flight numerous times; however, for one of your friends, it is her first time. She asks you to give a gist of how and what to expect while at the airport and eventually on board. This is how you could go about it in fluent English.

Conversation sample:

Tanya- Hey Joanne! How have you been?

Joanne- Hi Tan. I've been good. I'm so glad I get to finally meet you. You've been all over the world traveling lately, I heard.

Tanya- Well, frankly almost. Work has been making me take a lot of trips but it's kind of fun. I get to meet new people, handle some incredible events and the best part is my company pays for all expenses related to conveyance, stay, everything.

Joanne- Sounds great! Tell me about the most exciting experience you've had on your spree of trips.

Tanya- Well, it might sound weird, but the most memorable experience I've had on my trip has been on the flight.

Joanne- Are you serious? What exactly happened that made this trip one of your special trips?

Tanya- I had to travel to Los Angeles from Thailand and was given a ticket of Thai Airways Business Class. That flight journey was one of most luxurious journeys I've ever had. The segregated cabins, the generous leg space, the shell shaped seats with an incredible recline degree were too good. Besides the comfort, the interactive audio visual on demand entertainment system kept me engaged throughout with 'n' number of channels, for movies, music, and games.

Joanne- Wow! Seems so interesting.

Tanya- But the highlight were the views. Anyone who loved nature would be taken aback by the unbelievable sights from that altitude. The sapphire blue waters, the lush green forests,all of which can never be forgotten by me for years to come. What made it so special was that I noticed how nature and technology together make an ideal combination that amazes you with so much positivity and drive. I was moved.

Joanne- Now that's a deep thought! It certainly sounds like something irresistible and I would love to have a first-hand experience of it sometime.

That's how you drive the listener to feel the need to experience the same moments by your description; and that is called the art of description. However, it is not that simple and you need to focus on working up and improving your spoken English skills to speak with panache and enthusiasm. You should also keep a close tab on the usage of words and adjectives, avoid being carried away. Instead, consider speaking in Basic English to make it simple for the listener to understand better.

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- By Chander Madan

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