Misspelled words that can affect/effect your communication?

English is a very funny language, isn’t it? It is easy to learn, yet difficult to use. For instance, the affect of smoke is extremely hazardous to health. The above sentence is wrong and the correct sentence should be the effect of smoke is extremely hazardous to health. The words affect and effect sound similar. This leads to confusion for many people. Even the words accept, except and expect can be counted under the same category. Many of you might know the meaning of these words, but when it comes to using it in a sentence, most of us end up making a mistake. Don’t you? Hence, it affects your communication and English skills in the professional world. The only solution for it is to understand the difference and use it cautiously to avoid errors.

5 Commonly misspelled words

Here are some words that are often confused.

1. Enquire and Inquire

Enquire is used when you are requesting or looking for information.

Example: I wanted to enquire about the course

Inquire is used when there a conduct of any investigations.

Example: There will be an inquiry about the accident

2. Principal and Principle

Principal( noun and adjective) refers to a position or person in an organization or in a financial negotiation of contracts.

Example: Mrs. Padma was appointed as the Principal of the school

Principle (noun) is referred as a basic rules and beliefs, which are accepted and used for basic conduct.

Example: He taught her the first principle of social responsibility

3. Compliment and complement

Compliment (Noun and Verb), represents an expression of praise, respect and admiration.

Example:  Manager complimented Shilpa for her hard work.

Complement (Noun and Verb), describes two parts that mutually complete each other.

Example: They both complement each other.

4. Discreet and Discrete

Discreet (Adjective), means careful, cautious, showing good judgment

Example: He is a discreet investor.

Discrete (Adjective), means a separate and distinct.

Example: The government formed two discrete entities.

5. Precede and Proceed

Precede (Verb), means to come before.

Example: Her birthday precedes mine.

Proceed (Verb), means a follow up or moving ahead.

Example: We are proceeding to Delhi.

In the above example, the confusion starts when there is a–ing.

6. Weather and Whether

Weather (Noun, Adjective, and Verb) refers to atmospheric conditions.

Example: The weather is cool today.

Whether (Conjunction) refers to expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives.

Example: I will check whether she’s in office or not.

These words generally confuse you and hamper your communication skills. Hence, to improve English, you must know the difference and use it wisely. You can join a Spoken English course and make yourself familiar with the fundamentals and advanced principles of English.

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eAgeTutor.com is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve English in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit www.eagetutor.com.

-By Chander Madan

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