How to respond while arriving late in a meeting?


Meetings form an integral part of your professional life. Hence, they need to be treated with seriousness and professionalism. Reaching late for a meeting isn't a sign of taking the meeting seriously, no matter what the situation or circumstances. Some companies tolerate this a few times; however, many companies have strict policies against their employee arriving late to work as well as to a meeting. Irrespective of what the reason is, you are expected to communicate the issue with your manager or supervisor expressing regret.

professional life

At such times, what you need to do is apologize and extend the cause behind you for getting late. Be sure to talk to your employer with sheer honesty and in fluent English. No manager or supervisor would want to deal with an employee who has arrived late for a meeting as well as is stammering while explaining the same. Therefore, keep your English communication skills at its ace best.

Here is an example that will teach you to how to respond on arriving late.

Conversation example of how to handle a 'late' situation at work:

Jay (Employee) - Hello, this is Jay Bhanu speaking.

Ken (Manager) - Good morning Jay, tell me.

Jay- Sir, I know we have a meeting in five minutes but I am going to be late for the meeting.

Ken- Well, why is that so? Didn't I tell you this is our very important client?

Jay- You did sir and I know how much this client means to us, however, the bridge on the way has collapsed this morning and the traffic has been diverted towards the other end of town.

Ken- Ok. But how long will it take you to get here?

Jay- The traffic is heavy yet moving. As per my calculations, I should get there in about twenty minutes or so.

Ken- Fine. I'll handle the client until then. Try to get here at the earliest.

Jay- Sure sir. Thank you so much for your patience, I truly didn't expect this confusion today.

Ken- No problem Jay. You get here; I'm sure all will be fine. See you.

Jay- See you soon sir.

That's the way it goes. A simple conversation in Basic English, informing your boss you will arrive late for the meeting.


In your professional journey, there could arise numerous occasions when you will need to handle a situation like this. At such times, it is vital for you to take good care while speaking in the English language. Any employer will be proud of an employee who takes responsibility of his late arrival or misconduct, if he/ she is able to justify themselves. Here is where your spoken English skills could save you!

You could opt to learn English online by enrolling in one of the professional English speaking courses, as they would give you a deeper understanding as to how to handle a situation of such gravity.

Enjoy your professional endeavor with responsibility and accountability!

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- Chander Madan

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