Some conceive tense as a time marker, whereas, the others consider it as a verb change in a sentence. Well, you should know that tenses are very important in the English language. This is an informative article that will teach you how tenses play a vital role and how to avoid any confusion while using the tense with time, and how to structure basic tenses using a regular and irregular verb.
Let's begin with a step-by-step guide on understanding tenses.
What is a tense?
Tense is a component that we use in English to refer to time; whether it's the past, present or future. Also, you should be aware that not all languages make use of tenses, yet speak about tenses by applying different methods.
Let's understand the basics of tenses along with its types.
What are basic tenses?
When referring to the past and present, there are two simple tenses and six complex tenses. When referring to the future, there are four modal tenses, which sums up to a total of 12 tenses in the active voice. In addition, there are 12 tenses that are available in the passive voice, which totals up to a whopping 24 tenses in all.
Tense chart:
As an English learner, it is obvious for you to find the usage of tenses difficult; however, the structure of the tenses is actually quite simple and basic.
Here are some of the terms that are commonly used while talking about verbs and tenses.
1. Mood- There are four types of moods:
* Indicative mood- It expresses a simple statement of fact.
Example: I like green tea.
*Interrogative mood- It expresses a question.
Example: Why do I like green tea?
*Imperative mood- It expresses a command.
Example: Stand up!
* Subjunctive mood- It expresses what is imagined or wished for.
Example: The boss demanded that she attend the meeting.
2. Voice- The responsibility of a voice is to show the relationship of the subject to the action. There are two types of voice:
*Active voice- Here the subject does the action.
Example: Dogs eat bones.
*Passive voice- Here the subject receives the action.
Example: Bones are eaten by dogs.
All of the above-mentioned bifurcations are very vital for the appropriate use of tenses in the English language. If you are someone who is learning English, you should realize that the proper use of tenses makes it possible for the listener to understand whether the event you're speaking about has occurred in the past, present or will be occurring soon in the future. To develop a grip over English, it is crucial for you to learn English grammar, at least the fundamentals.
Always remember, if you happen to use a wrong tense while conversing or writing; the communication could land up in a misinterpreted way that will not benefit either the listener or you as a speaker. Therefore, to educate you further in aspect to tenses or English grammar, you could consider enrolling in an English tutoring course online and seek professional help.
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- By Chander Madan
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