How to deal with layoffs in your company?


Layoffs are a painful and intense process for both employees as well as employers. If your company has decided to go in for some layoffs, it’s time for you to take the reins and get through them respectfully. Conducting the entire process should have you address your company’s concerns to the individuals being laid off as well as boost the morale of the in- house workers.

Before the ‘BIG’ Announcement:

Usually, during the layoff season, most of the employees will already know that the layoffs are about to happen. Irrespective of whether the employees are aware or not, it is crucial for you as an HR executive to take the initiative and announce the reductions. Here, communication plays an extremely vital role. Keep your English communication skills at its best and maintain proficiency throughout your conversation.

Breaking the News:

While communicating to the employees about the layoffs speak in simple English maintaining an underlying respectful tone throughout. Here are a few tips to help you keep things positive:

1. Involve all the top executives and managers while conducting the layoff procedure.

2. Understand the federal laws and abide by them. They suggest you to give present workers 60 days’ notice before the shutting down of the company or a mass layoff.

3. Take time out to inform workers individually that they will be laid off. Conducting it in a group will lead to a herd of agitated employees and just seems disrespectful.

4. Explain the reason behind sending the employees off. Use basic English and spell it out for the worker as to why the layoffs were necessary as well and why he/ she were chosen to be laid off.

5.  Empathize as best as possible! Express your gratitude for the worker’s contribution so far and deliver your empathy about the rather harsh termination.

6. Discuss the near future of the worker in the company. Explain if the company will offer compensation and explain the package. You will need to inform the worker about his/ her last day in the company and what to expect in the next few days.  


The Forward Move:

On having the layoffs done with, the rest of your staff is bound to be understandingly nervous. They would be unsure about how secure their jobs really are. At such times, it is crucial for you as a representative of the company to be positive and let your employees know that you are dedicated to keeping them on. Keep your emotions away and speak in English fluently. Ask the existing team to pull themselves together and work in harmony. In addition, using polite words put forth the objective of the business and request the employees to not let this shortcoming effect their productivity in any way.

While discontinuing the services of the employees, it is crucial for you to be attentive, alert and focused so that you do not lose track and maintain a professional connect with all the workers, including both, the laid off ones as well as the retained ones.

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- By Monika Agarwal

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