In our day-to-day communication, we talk about the weather to break the ice. This implies that talking about weather is a great communication starter. But it is important to know a range of expressive vocabularies that can be used to make a discussion more colorful.
How to talk about different weather conditions?
1. Summer
1.1 Scorching/Searing: extremely hot
E.g.Last year, summer was really very scorching for Mumbai.
Citizens of UAE always face the problem of searing.
1.2 Sweltering: excessive heat and humid weather; results into a sweating and faintness.
E.g. After coming outside for just 10 minutes, we all were sweltering like anything.
1.3 Roasting: hot and dry weather
E.g. While trekking on Harishchandra Fort, we all were roasting.
1.4 Sunburn: blistering of a skin caused due to the over exposure of skin to very harmful heavy UV rays of the sun
E.g. While travelling in Rajasthan for summer vacation, many people suffer from the problem of sunburn.
1.5 Heat Stroke: a flu like condition which is suffered due to high temperature
E.g. To avoid the problem of sun stroke, one must include glucose intake and juices in a regular summer diet.
1.6 Heat Wave: an extremely hot weather accompanying with high humidity
E.g. Many people die in extreme summer due to heat wave.
2. Rainy
2.1 Bucketing down: heavy rainfall
E.g. As soon as I left from home, the weather became gloomy and it was bucketing down.
2.2 Raining cats and dogs: an idiom indicates heavy rain
E.g. I was unable to go for the event, as it was raining cats and dogs yesterday evening.
2.3 Torrential Rain: heavy rain (this word is generally used by media)
E.g. The tourists became the victim of torrential rain on yesterday.
2.4 Damp: to get slightly wet
E.g. Many people like to get damp in the first rain.
2.5 Soaked/Drenched: fully wet
E.g. Even though we carried 2 umbrellas, we both got soaked in the heavy rain.
2.6 Downpour: a heavy rainfall
E.g. Downpour creates a problem for drivers while driving.
2.7 Scattered Shower: on and off rain for short time but for an entire day
E.g. Employees on-field jobs face many problems due to scattered showers.
2.8 Drizzle: light rain, fine rain drops
E.g. Drizzling rain is good for cropping phase of farming.
3. Winter
3.1 To be snowbound: unable to leave from a place due to heavy snowfall
E.g. Tourist in Jammu Kashmir became snowbound last winter.
3.2 Wind chill: the cool effect of wind blowing on a surface
E.g. Many children suffer a problem due to wind chill.
3.3 Sleet: rain containing some melted ice
E.g. It was a sleeting Sunday in London.
3.4 Slush: partially melted snow or ice.
E.g. The snow was slowly turning into a slush during the day.
3.5 Cold snap: a sudden arrival of cold weather
E.g. Last year, in the month of December there was an unexpected cold snap.
3.6 To hibernate: to sleep through the winter in order to reserve energy
E.g. In winter season, some animals hibernate.
Hope the above explanation has provided you with a good set of vocabulary to explain weather situations during an informal talk. You can read our other related blogs and articles by browsing through various subject categories which will be helpful in becoming a good English communicator.
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-By Chander Madan
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