Salary negotiation essentials for HR personnel


Human Resource managers spend enormous amounts of time assisting both employees as well as upper management folks cope with everyday qualms. Undoubtedly, this means you are involved day in and day out in helping two or more parties come to an agreement, which in effect, is called negotiation. The process of negotiation certainly requires you to speak in English with confidence and certainty. As an HR personnel, you constantly engage in negotiations that can improve or hinder your organization's strategic performance. Nevertheless, one of the major and vital negotiations that you handle is salary negotiation. If you have an important salary negotiation coming up, where you need to haggle over another person's worth, you should not break into a sweat.

Conversational Example:

Ken: Good Afternoon Ma'am, May I come in?

Bella: Sure Ken. Walk right in and take a seat.

Ken: Thank you for giving me this great opportunity to work with an esteemed organization like this.

Bella: Yes. You are welcome and just so you know, we are glad to have you on board.

Ken: I am obliged.

Bella: So, Ken. The reason why you have been called today is to speak to you about your salary.

Ken: Okay.

Bella: The expectation mentioned by you on your resume says Rs. 30,000. Am I right?

Ken: Yes Ma'am.

Bella: During the  course of your interview, you mentioned, you were being paid Rs. 24,000 in your past workplace.

Ken: That's right.

Bella: So, keeping in mind your position and job profile in this company, we are offering you a secured salary of Rs. 28,000, which is 4,000 above your previous company.

Ken: Well, sorry to say Ma'am. However, a raise of 4,000 is not what I had in mind when I approached this organization. In fact, one of the major reasons I quit my previous company was the salary I was being paid.

Bella: I understand Ken, yet the job profile you are being offered completely justifies the salary we are extending to you. Besides that, this company has numerous perquisites that you would get to enjoy including a health insurance for you covering all your medical bills henceforth. Lavish picnics, public holidays as well as festival bonus.

Ken: This sounds good.

Bella: In addition, your probation period lasts for six months after which you are liable to the appraisals based on your performance.

Ken: This actually sounds promising. I am interested in taking this job up without further ado.

Bella: Great! Welcome on board. You can join work from the coming Monday.

While conversing with your future employee keep a tab on your spoken English skills. Polish and improve your English communication skills and impress your worker with your proficient grasp over English language.

Last but certainly not the least, look at some of the Essentials of Negotiation that will enable you to successfully carry out this procedure:

1. Practice and master your negotiation technique, leaving no stone unturned.

2. Understand the concept and match the right negotiation tactic to the right situation.

3. Take control of the situation by laying forth valid pointers.Keep all the information and facts you need handy to be practical in your justification.

4. Turn the salary negotiation into an effective courtship where you can woo the employ with all the benefits he/ she can enjoy.

5. The level and stature of the job in your organization.

6. The availability/ scarcity of skills and experience needed for the job.The career graph and skills of the individual in question.The cost constraints of your organization.

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- By Monika Agarwal

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