Start small - The Key to Fluent English Speaking - eAge Tutor
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 09:59

Start small - The Key to Fluent English Speaking Featured

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English is a curiously interesting language. A single word has numerous synonyms, each better than its peers, and it seems that people, especially amateur English speakers, have a penchant for using complicated sounding, big English words. Seems, the rule of the thumb is, the longer the word used, the better English one knows.


Using complicated sounding, big English words make you sound, if anything, absurd and a show-off. Learning big words sounds sophisticated, and you think that it makes you appear well read and fluent.

Wrong again.

For someone who is still learning the basics of the language, speaking long words does not come naturally. Especially, when you do not speak English as a first language. Knowing a big word and being able to speak it clearly, are two different aspects. And what good is speaking a good word when it will not make you appear as a confident speaker!

If you speak a word like, say 'Panache', and make it sound something 'pancake', it will give away that you are using it deliberately, without even knowing what it means! Wouldn't it be better to use words like 'flair' or 'style', which mean the same thing but are way easier to use?

At this point, one would question, what is the point of having heavier and finer words when one should not use it?

Your point is valid. What one should keep in mind is English is used in various forms – written and spoken. Not just that, English can be formal, casual, or colloquial. Based on the situation and how it is being used, one should choose and select his/ her words.

This simple example should explain this phenomenon perfectly. If you are speaking to a close friend, you can use the word 'buddy' nonchalantly! However, if your friend is visiting your workplace and you need to ask your boss for a 10-minute leave, you can definitely not say that your 'buddy is here'. You will have to use the word 'friend'. Therefore, that is why one needs to use different words depending upon the situation.

Let us look at an example of why simpler words are such lifesavers!

• I am fed-up of your shenanigans! When will you mend your ways! Now, how many of you understood what 'shenanigans' means? Pat yourself on the back if you did; and for those who did not understand, this should make it clear – I am fed up of your tantrums! When will you mend your ways! Isn't that much easier to understand. Now, if you were writing an article or a short story, the word 'shenanigan' would be amazing to use, as far as it is in the context. However, it does not have the same effect when spoken aloud.

If you wish to study English the right way, you should join an online spoken English class like eAgeTutor, where you can get hands on training in not only spoken English, but also about writing and reading English. English is such a requisite in today's world, online spoken English is the best option for beginners.

Read 5735 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 07:43


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