Displaying items by tag: online English classes - eAge Tutor
Tuesday, 08 October 2013 09:52

How to upsell in a restaurant and a bar?

You want to get the best employee award at your five star hotel and there is only a small gap in your target. Upselling technique comes to play here and can help you achieve your target. It is nothing but a sales technique that can be used to incite a customer to purchase additional expensive items. Your confident English language skills will help you to charm and impress your customers and make them realize the value of additional purchases.

Things to keep in mind:

1. Don't be too pushy

Don't push customers to make a sale. They will become suspicious and will regret at having to come to your restaurant. Instead, make their stay pleasant and appear as a helpful aide rather than a pushy salesperson. Use appropriate English vocabulary and dialogues in these kind of situations. Ask to the point questions that the customer will be forced to answer.

For Example:

1. "Which dish can I help you with?"

2. "Which drink can I help you with?"

2. Don't anticipate

Never make the mistake of anticipating the customer's needs. This will make you appear over smart, which can lead to a no for an answer. Instead, explain how a particular drink or dish will complement suitable occasions or moods by which the customers will be more susceptible for making additional purchases.

3. Observe customers behavior

Observation in your bar can help you a lot. Customers rarely change their preferences and usually stick to their routine. Observation will help you decide what they like and then can upsell products based on their choices, which will increase chances of success.

Sample Conversation:

You: Hello gentlemen, Hope you are enjoying our delicious items

Customer:  Yeah.

You: I see that you are enjoying your hard cider. Our ciders are of the best quality, don't you agree?

Customer: Yeah, that's true.

You: Did I mention about our tap supplies a beer with similar qualities as the cider, which you are drinking?

Customer: What are you talking about?

You: We have a special apple wheat beer that is much stouter and tastier than our regular ciders. It is one of our featured items of the month.

Customer: Apple wheat beer?

You: Yes, original beer mixed with organic apples straight from the tap. Words cannot describe the taste and effect. Why don't I bring a sample shot to you?

Customer: Yeah, please do.

The above conversation shows how you can upsell with confidence and win the trust of the customer. Once the customer tastes the sample, he will be naturally inclined to purchase additional new drinks. In the rare case that he does not like the drink, thank him and never forget to take the feedback.

However, for successfully executing this strategy, fluent English speaking skills are vital. This will highlight your confidence and sophistication, which can impress patrons. Practice with the help of online English classes and in your daily conversations. Upsell confidently and then nothing can come between you and the best employee award of your hotel.

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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1. How to upsell and cross sell?

2. How to negotiate a higher starting salary?

3. How to make a sales pitch?

4. How to describe your vehicle?

5. 10 Mistakes to avoid as a retail sales representative.

Published in Business English

Any enjoyable vacation is incomplete without the services of a tour guide. The tour guide is instrumental in providing a location's cultural and historical information to the tourists. To be a successful tour guide, you need to have a strong command over English, the global language. If you are planning to become a tour guide, here are 5 reasons why learning English is beneficial for you.



The 5 benefits of learning how to speak English fluently


1. Global Entry

Learning English allows you to apply for guide positions all across the globe as it is the main medium of communication at major tourist sites. As people visit exotic locations all over the globe, learning this universal language is necessary for giving proper guidance. Native and international opportunities open their doors once you have a strong command over the language.

2. Employment chances

Fluent English communication skills tend to increase your employability. You will get more interview calls once the prospective employers come to know about your language command. You can utilize your strong grasp over the language to apply for additional vacant positions.

3. Good pay

You can negotiate an excellent pay package by showcasing your English skills. You have better chances of increasing your salary as compared to non-English speakers. In addition to language fluency, you also need strong confidence and negotiation skills. You can practice your conversational skills with the help of a friend or an online English tutor.


4. Manage tourist well

Learning English can give you excellent tourist management skills. Tourists need a common interpreting language due to their language mix. English justifies its title as the global language by helping people communicate effectively in spite of language differences. With excellent people management skills, you can gain valuable experience, which will help you with career advancement.

5. Self Confidence

If you have a strong command in any language, your confidence increases. Tourists prefer confident English speaking tour guides. Your personality is the first impression that a tourist gets when he lands in a foreign country. As he is unaware of the local culture, language and geography, a confident tour guide can help him navigate calmly, thus enabling him to enjoy his vacation to the hilt.


Certified tour guides are in great demand. Taking certified courses with English will help you to study better and faster. But for this an improvement in English speaking skills is needed. This is possible with the help of professional English coaching classes. With the advent of technology, online English classes are fast becoming the norm, as they are cheaper and convenient. Take advantage of the internet and enroll for an English coaching class today. Now you need not make any excuses for not achieving your career goals. Happy learning!!

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English learning institute or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

Related Topics:

1. Why English is considered an International Language?

2. Why do We Need to Learn English?

3. How to Learn English Real Fast?

4. Why Online Tutoring is Easy and Beneficial?

5. Why is Daily Practice Important to Learn a New Language?

Published in Travel English Lessons


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