How to politely say 'no'?


In our day-to-day life, we come across several situations/ events that make us happy and excited. But, due to some uncertain reasons/ situations we might have to say ‘no’ for not attending the event. It is really hard to say ‘no’ without hurting the person. In today’s blog, we bring you phrases that can be used to convey a ‘no’ in a very decent way without hurting the person.


Phrases that convey no

1. I am sorry, but I can’t…

Using this phrase seems deceptively easy, as it conveys the actual decision to the person.

E.g. I am sorry, but I can’t come for the party tonight.

2. I would love to help you…

This also sounds pretty good; it shows willingness to do a certain thing but inability due to some reasons.

E.g. I would love to help you out, but I have to attend a meeting for next two hours.

3. I wish I could help you…

This is a good way of conveying ‘no’ but it is similar to the above phrase.

E.g. I wish I could help you in shifting, but I am already stacked with an urgent work.

4. I need to check my calendar and get back to you.

This feels as a formal straight-forward phrase which indicates that you are busy and are unable to do the needful

E.g. I need to check my calendar and get back to you regarding a one-day picnic.

5. How would you like me to prioritize with all these tasks?

This is the best formal way to let know your tasks or work load that you have. You could ask which tasks should be first prioritized and work accordingly. Use this phrase in a polite way or else it might convey a negative attitude or arrogance to your senior.

E.g. I am currently working on a report of two clients along with their presentation and now I got this new work. How would you like me to prioritize with all these tasks?

6. I appreciate the offer but…/I really appreciate the invitation …

If someone is offering a treat or inviting you and you are unable to attend and accept it, you can convey ‘no’ by using this sentence.

E.g. I appreciate the offer for this party, but I have to rush to my office.

7. I wish I could come but unfortunately…

If someone is inviting you for an event and you are unable to go then you can excuse yourself by using this phrase.

E.g. I wish I could come but unfortunately, there is  heavy rain and I am caught in the traffic.

Hope the above explanations have helped you with new phrases for politely saying  ‘no’. This would help you to excuse in a decent way. For polishing your communication skills at par, just browse through other articles of different categories.

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- By Chander Madan

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