Phrasal Verbs you should use in a communication


Communication is an integral part of our  life. It’s useful in professional as well as in personal life. In the professional world, it's essential to communicate in English language, whereas in our personal lives we use different languages. In this blog, we’ll bring on some phrasal verbs, which will help you improve your communication skills.


Phrases for everyday communication

Phrasal verbs that can be used in daily communication:

1. Switch off/Shut down

This phrase is used to switch something off, but sometimes the usage changes according to the situation.

E.g. In the auditorium, everyone has to switch off their mobile phones.
Before leaving the computer lab, everyone is supposed to shut down the system.

2. Start on

This phrasal verb has a different meaning. When a person starts criticizing about a certain thing, then that criticizing is said as start on.

E.g. He started on Shyam  about not having a smart phone.
Why don’t you start on from were you stopped last time.

3. Put on

This means keeping something on some other thing or an object.

E.g. Can you please put on the dress in my bag?
Put on  tomorrow’s schedule on the bulletin board.

4. Spread out

This means to stretch out or extend something or distributing something over a wide area.

E.g. Spread out this news in the whole office.
It is a great fun to spread out your life happenings on social media platforms.

5. Beef up

It means to add or increase or strengthen something for making it more effective.

E.g. We have to focus on beefing up our strategy with new ideas.
Beef up your presentations with some more research stuff.

6. Cope with

It's often misused with the usage of coping up. This phrasal verb means to tackle something successfully

despite of difficulties and problems you find on the way of its achievement.

E.g. Tushar, you have to cope with good communication skills, as it’s a primary condition of the corporate world.
Not everyone can cope up with the harsh conditions in the office.

7. Clam up

This phrasal verb is used to say something or diverge from a certain subject.

E.g. When mother asked a child about the exam results, he clammed up a story.

8. Bristle at

This indicates the negative response of something, or an expression of anger.

E.g. She bristled at him due to his low performance at  work.

Hope the above description on phrasal verbs and its usage helps you communicate effectively. Try to use these phrasal verbs in your daily life.  It will help to enhance your vocabulary as well as spoken English Skills due to which you will able to  speak effectively. You can browse through our other related blogs based on different categories of communication skills; it will also enhance your knowledge.

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- By Chander Madan

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