In today’s technology oriented world, the youth population always uses a short versioned or slang words to talk or discuss something. Even the business professionals use these slang words to discuss some or the other things related to the business. Slang words are easy to use, as they explain the meaning in two or three words rather than a sentence. In this blog, we will discuss some slang words that are generally used when speaking about technology and photography.
1. Error 404
While using internet to find some information, this message is displayed many times. This means that the page we are trying to find is unavailable. When such a message is displayed, it means the site has been either removed from the internet or it doesn’t exist.
E.g. Error 404: Page Not Found
2. Error 403 / Forbidden
When we are surfing online and find the message “Forbidden” or “Error 403” then it means that the permission to access the page is denied.
E.g. Error 403: Access Deny
Forbidden: You don’t have any permission to access this page.
3. Blower
The word is used as a slang term for a telephone.
E.g. For the past 5 minutes, that blower is ringing. Pick it up quickly.
4. Hotspot
Hotspot is a facility of sharing the mobile internet connection by logging in with an id and password that is shared from the other mobile.
E.g. Hey Krish, just give me the hotspot for 10 minutes.
5. Brick
The slang word is used to define a big size mobile phone.
E.g. Carrying this brick is a real pain.
6. Selfie
This is one of the most used slang word in the world. It means a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.
E.g. My selfie pic won the selfie contest on Facebook.
7. Groupie
This also a kind of photo taken by the front camera, but the photo captures the entire group.
8. Photobomb
This slang word is used for a person who comes or drops in a picture unexpectedly and spoils the entire photo. The person is called as ‘Photo bomber’.
E.g. You photobombed my picture the other day.
Hope, you enjoyed the above article on slang words. Slang words can’t be used in a formal communication so beware of these words. They are very much part of our daily English usage, so it’s important to know about them. You can also join an online Spoken English course and enhance your English speaking skills.
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- By Shailja Varma
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