5 Fun and Effective Ways to Learn English Vocabulary

Do you often have trouble remembering words? Especially, English words? Well, stop worrying. We are here to help. You must have heard it that the only way to really learn is to be totally immersed in the language. But, sometimes too much theoretical knowledge can reduce your interest and might irk you down. The best way to build your vocabulary strong is by making learning a fun process.

Quick tips

Follow these tips and learn English faster.

1. Read books

Yes, reading books is the first and the most important way to improve your English. The more you read, the more you learn. You will grasp up new words without even realizing it. When you read a book, you come through the usage of words in sentences. If you find a book difficult for your English understanding level, you can try reading comic books instead, as they have a lot of dialogues, and are easier to understand.

2. Find word of the day

Every day when you are having your morning coffee, take English newspaper and read an article. Then, find two or three words and set it as your “Words of the Day.” Remember them and write them down somewhere. You can make it as a game and find ways to use these words in conversation. Before you use them, try and understand their meaning. Saying the words out loud in sentences will help you remember what they mean and help you to learn vocabulary.

3. Play an online vocabulary game

You might be spending more than 60% of your time on mobile. Why not  use it for some good learning process? Yes, you can do that. Just find out online games and go for it. These games not only test your vocabulary skills, but also let you learn its definition. You can also choose a topic of your choice to understand different kinds of words.

4. Start writing blogs

Just by reading you cannot learn English vocabulary. You can start writing blogs on your favorite topic. You can keep a dictionary nearby, so that if you can’t think of a word, you can look it up. Share your blog with your friends and ask them to check and let you know if you have made incorrect usage of any word.   As you learn more words, you will see that writing a blog will become easier.

5. Use pictures

Do you love drawing? Do you draw random pictures/designs in your notebook all day? Use that artistic side to help you learn some new words. For example, you can find new vocabulary words and draw what they mean. Drawing what the word means helps you see the definition in your mind whenever you hear it.

Learning English vocabulary can be a fun part of your daily life. Using above tips might surely help you learn many new words without boring you. All the best.

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eAgeTutor.com is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience, the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit www.eagetutor.com.

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-By Chander Madan

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