In our everyday conversations, at office or get-togethers, we get to hear a lot of proverbs. Proverbs are the traditional sayings of a country. They are short and clever sentences that usually offer life advice. Therefore, to understand them better, it is important to first know its meaning. Let us look at the common proverbs and the meaning or context they are used in.
Eight English proverbs for everyday conversations
1. Every cloud has a silver lining
This proverb is used when things are going badly or when someone is sad. Clouds stand for bad situations. At the end of every dark tunnel there is light. Similarly, this proverb states that every bad situation will have a hope of light in the form of a silver lining. One should never lose hope.
2. Easy come, easy go
Money, fame, love or anything that happens easily can be lost just as quickly. If you get a lot of money or suddenly become famous, you could lose that money or fame very quickly because you didn’t work hard to earn it.
3. Money doesn’t grow on trees
If you love spending money, then this one is for you. Things that grow on trees, such as fruit or leaves, are considered plentiful because they will grow back. If you eat an apple from a tree, more apples will continue to grow. But to earn money you must work hard, as it doesn’t grow back after you spend it. Once you spend money, it’s gone. So, think carefully before splurging.
4. Action speaks louder than words
The action here is referred as a character. It means people are not defined by what they say because a lot of talk does not mean anything. People are judged by the things they do. Your actions are more important than what you say.
5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An apple is full of Vitamin C, which keeps you healthy. However, the apple in this proverb means eating healthy in general. If you eat well and your diet includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, there will be no need to visit the doctor.
6. Where there’s a will, there’s a way
This proverb is said to encourage people who want to give up. Sometimes, you face problems that seem impossible. The proverb means if you have the will to meet the problems that are in front of you, there is a way to overcome them.
7. Practice makes a man perfect
It would be amazing if the first time you got in a car, you could drive like a professional or you could speak English perfectly after one lesson. Everything is difficult when you are a beginner. But, if you keep practising, you can master anything.
8. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
This proverb teaches us, it’s not good to be jealous (to want what other people have). It may seem like everyone around you has nice cars, better jobs, etc. but, your neighbor probably thinks you have greener grass too, which means that your friends and other people think that you have better looks, a happier family, etc. So, instead of thinking about what everyone else has, this proverb wants you to be thankful for what you have.
These proverbs inspire, motivate and teach you the way you should live life and be positive always. Never be sad about what you don’t have, instead, keep trying hard and achieve it. Same way keep learning and improve your English.
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- By Shailja Varma
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