Basic coordinating conjunctions


English, as a language, would be incomplete without certain words known  as conjunctions. These particular words are used in our daily conversations and are almost present in every sentence. It’s time to know what these words are called and when are they used.

Coordinating conjunctions are integral to English grammar as these words club two or more clauses, such as words or sentences. Commonly known as coordinators, they connect the two words or sentences that make sense. Here are some examples of conjunctions.

1) She lives in Mumbai, but studies in London.
2) Samyukta was having a headache, so she couldn’t do the housework.
3) Kamal was a talented singer, but failed to deliver on big stage.
4) Vishal could neither pay for the movie ticket nor could he buy an ice-cream.
5) Sandy had been practising hard, so he got selected for the academic team.

Seven conjunctions

There are seven coordinating junctions in English, such as

1) FOR
is used to describe more about a thing portrayed through a sentence.


a) They played very tactically till the end, for they wanted to snatch away the title.
b) They do not gamble or cheat for their daily living.

2) AND
as a conjunction is used for connecting one idea to another or the contrasting one.


a) Sameer cooks his own food and eats.
b) Javier is brilliant in studies and his brother is good in sports.

3) BUT
- this word creates a contrasting situation or an exceptional one.


a) Adrian scored very low in academics, but performed well for the football team.
b) He skipped half the portion, but still managed to pass in the exam.

4) NOR
- another conjunction which speaks the truth and gives a negative hint, bringing an odd non-contrasting situation.


1) They do not drink, nor do they smoke.
2) Max doesn’t study, nor does he work.

5) OR
- this word confirms one possibility, and also gives out different (alternative) options of things to happen.


a) They will torture you like anything or they will be as sweet as possible.
b) Messi will stay with Barcelona or he will join his boyhood club.

6) YET- 
it presents a sentence with multiple meaning and also creates an exception.


a) He wakes up late in the morning yet he reaches the school on time.
b) The kids broke the glass while playing cricket yet they continued playing.

7) SO
- this word sometime acts as a connector by connecting two different sentences, but sometimes it does not.


a) The professor was not well so he could not join the class.
b) Jancy was the dean of the college so she has the authority to take decisions about the college.

These basic coordinating conjunctions play a vital role in your day to day conversation. Therefore, it is important to understand their usage to improve your English.

You can join an online spoken English course and learn more about conjunctions in details.

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-By Chander Madan

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