Basic Subordinate Conjunctions

In English, we are surrounded by simple and complex words. Simple words are the ones we find easy to deal with whereas complex words can be hard to learn and use in conversations. But, usage of grammar and understanding the grammar rules can make any word a simple deal, be it a Shakespearean.

Grammar also helps us join two sentences of contrasting situation. Not only sentences, but also words, phrases and clauses. Do you know what are they called? They are called conjunctions. Keep reading and you will understand it better. 

When you speak about the complexities in English, conjunctions could be a bit difficult to recognize, but are not hard to play with. We call them subordinating conjunctions. This type of conjunction basically consists of two parts, i.e., dependent and independent clause. It mixes up the dependent clause or sentence to the independent ones. It turns the clause into something meaningful rather than a raw sentence with the addition of a dependent clause or subordinates.

Different types of subordinating conjunctions:

We come across many subordinate conjunctions, such as after, although, because, before, if, once, as long as and many more.

Let us see how they work in the following sentences below:

1) We went to the marines after you left for your CAT class.
2) Sam could not see his favorite show because he came home late after school.
3) We saw Avengers 2 in laptop before it was officially released on YouTube.
4) Unless we do something, everything is lost.
5) If we take her in our team, maybe we can win this dance show.

There are different cases where we come across these subordinating conjunctions  which are as follows:

1. The case of LIKE and AS:

If we speak in true terms of grammar, we cannot use ‘like’ in conjunctions. They fall under prepositions category and are used as a prepositional phrase. For example, “My hair is long like my mothers’.”

 ‘As’ can be used as a conjunction. “As I told you, we have a holiday tomorrow.”

2. Omitting THAT:

Sometimes there are words which we do  not need every time,and so we omit them, not just for the sake of omitting, but for a good sake. Let’s take a few examples why omitting ‘that’ is for a good cause.

a. I hope (that) he does not get expelled.
b. I think (that) she is the state topper.

Not always does the omission of ‘that’ is a good cause. It might bring a complete breakage in the meaning of the sentence.

a. The thing is, that we need to rush to reach at a level.
b. The problem is, that we had been too lazy to do the work.

3. Beginning a sentence with ‘BECAUSE’

If you begin a sentence with ‘because’, you should be careful with the usage of clause accordingly. You cannot use it with an independent clause, because it might leave a sentence unclear and fragmented.

“Because internet plays such an important role in people’s life.” Well, this sentence is a fragment and improper usage of “because clause” with independent clause. The proper sentence will be as follows,

“Because internet plays such an important role in people’s life, we are very much able to stay in touch with the people far away from us.”

If you join an online English course you will learn more about this topic in detail. Besides, to improve your English, it is important to have a hold on the basics of grammar and its components which will make you a better speaker and make yourself capable of handling the language easily.

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-By Shailja Varma

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