An Adjective is a word or set of words which describe a noun or pronoun. It tells us the quality of a person or thing which is represented by noun or pronoun.
Example: This is a beautiful garden.
Here ‘beautiful’ is an adjective which describes the quality of the noun ‘garden’.
Adjective may also follow the word they modify.
Example: This garden looks beautiful.
An Adverb is a word or set of words which modifies words, adjectives or other adverbs. Adverb tells us how many, how much, how often, when, where, why, up to what extent, etc.
Following are some Adverb Phrases which will tell us special quality of a noun or pronoun in different forms.
She writes slowly. (This tells ‘how’ she writes)
She writes very slowly. (This tells ‘how much’ slowly)
The train will arrive in an hour. (This tells ‘when’ the train will arrive)
She remembered that incident quickly. (This tells 'in how much time' she remembered the incident)
Ram left the train to avoid the trouble of rush. (This tells ‘why’ Ram left the train)
Rules to form adverbs:
Rule 1: Generally, most of the times adverbs are formed by using ‘_ly’ at the end of Adjective .
Beautiful: beautifully
Deep: deeply
Polite: politely
Special: Specially
Rule 2: Adjective ending with ‘_y’
The adjective word ending with ‘y’ needs to be converted to an adverb with the help of suffix ‘_ily.
Crazy: crazily
Happy: happily
Rule 3: Adjective ending with ‘_e’ or ‘_l’
Whenever adjectives ending with the letter ‘l’ or’ e’ are used, we can use the letter ‘_ly’ as a suffix to convert it into an adverb, but there are a few exceptions where we have to remove ‘e’ or ‘l’.
Nice: nicely
Polite: politely
True: truly
Full: fully
Rule 4: Adjective ending with ‘ic’
An adjective ending with ‘ic’ has been concatenated with suffix ‘ally’ to form an adverb.
Economic: economically
Realistic: realistically
Enthusiastic: enthusiastically
Rule 5: Adjective ending with ‘_able’ or ‘_ible’ or ‘_le’
Adjectives ending with ‘_able’ or ‘_ible’ or ‘_le’ are converted into adverb by using suffix as ‘_ly’.
Regrettable: regrettably
Horrible: horribly
Terrible: terribly
Rule 6: Words used as both adjectives and adverbs
There are some words which are used in same for both Adjective and Adverb forms.
Daily: daily
Early: early
Rule 7: Not all the words end in ‘_ly’ are adverbs.
Following are some words ending with ‘_ly’ are not adverbs but adjectives.
Example: Friendly, Merrily, Lovely, Lonely, etc.
Rule 8: Some adverbs have no particular forms.
Following words have no particular or irregular forms when they used as adverbs.
Example: Good is an adjective and its adverb is Well. On the other side, following words are adjectives and adverbs viz; Fast, Hard, Always, Never, Often, etc.
Hope the above explanation has made you understand of ways of forming an adverb from an adjective. You can read it frequently to recall all the rules which are very simple to use. For more articles related with English Grammar and usage browse through our blogs and join an Online English Course and even you can download our ‘Simple English App’ which will make your learning simpler and enjoyable.
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-By Chander Madan
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