When you have had a bad experience with a service or product, it is only natural to feel cheated and angry. And the first thing to do when that happens is to lodge a complaint with the customer service department. However, when you are angry, you off-load all your frustration on the executive you are interacting with, without being open to solutions or suggestions. This is where you go wrong. Bear in mind that the person you are talking to is only a representative, and losing your mind on them will not help you. Also, being impolite and rude gives a wrong impression of you. You can lodge your complaint and get it resolved politely too. How? Here are some helpful points.
Tips to communicate politely:
Make a polite start
Greeting the person with a hello and asking if they can help you with your issue will put them at ease and be more receptive to your complaint and feedback. If you start with anger, it can put the other person in a defensive spot, and then resolving your issue will take longer. Instead, be polite and ask them if they can help you with your problem.
Frame your request into a question
You are asking for the other person’s help by either lodging your complaint or trying to resolve the issue, so why not ask for their help. Given the fact that they are placed there to help customers, ordering them to do your work is not the way to go. People are more likely to do something when asked, instead of being told.
Calmly explain the problem
No matter how agitated or annoyed you are, you have to explain to the customer service representative about your issue and what kind of solution you are looking for. If you are angry and speak likewise, chances are the other person will also be annoyed to actually want to help you out. Calm down and tell the person exactly what the problem is. Instead of getting offensive or defensive, tell the person what the problem is and what you need instead. This will get your work done faster.
Don’t blame the representative
No matter how cheated you feel, understand that the customer service representative you are talking to has not wronged you. He is simply there to help you, so keep it to that. A lot of people get very spiteful against the person they are talking to, which serves no purpose other than blowing the situation out of proportion. Keep the flow of conversation easy and simple. Tell the person what the problem is and listen to the solution they provide.
Show them that you understand the situation
If you worry that being too polite will make the representative take you for a ride, then let them know that you understand exactly what the problem is and how you feel it should be solved. Use phrases like ‘I understand’ or ‘I know how to get that done’ to convey that you are not completely naïve about what the situation is.Most of the time a smile and polite conversation will get the things done faster.
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- By Chander Madan
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