How to describe household chores in English?

In our daily routine, we do many things to keep our surrounding clean and neat. We do all the necessary household chores which helps us maintain our house. A household chore can be described as a list of daily jobs to keep the household run smoothly and efficiently. In this article you will learn some everyday expressions which are used while describing daily household chores.

Let’s see some expressions along with their usage.

1. Set the table

It means to prepare the dining table for the   meal by setting up necessary crockery and fresh cooked food in the table.

E.g. “Set the table for every customer”, said the manager to the waiter.

2. Put the food away

This phrase is used to explain the leftover food which we store in the refrigerator so that we can eat it later.

E.g. Put the food away, we can have it later in the evening.

3. Clear the table

It is nothing but to remove the dishes, crockery and cutlery from the table after finishing the meal and clean the table.

E.g. After clearing the table it becomes easy to do the dishes.

4. Clean the stove

This means to clean the kitchen platform and stove.

E.g. Kitchen looks decent and clean if one cleans the stove regularly.

5. Sweep the floor

Sweep the floor means to clean the dirt on the floor using a broomstick or a brush.

E.g. We don’t have servants to sweep the floor.

6. Dust the furniture

It is nothing but cleaning the layer of dust settled on the furniture, shelf and showpieces.

E.g. You should dust the furniture very often to keep it look shiny.

7. Vacuum the carpet

It means cleaning the dust in the carpet using a vacuum cleaner machine.

E.g. If we have a vacuum cleaner, it becomes easy to clean the carpet every weekend.

8. Mop the floor

To clean the floor using a mop which has been soaked in  water having disinfectant.

E.g. I have bought a new mop-brush to mop the floor.

9. Make the bed

Make the bed means to set up a bed cleanly and neatly with bed sheets and cushion cover after waking up in the morning.

E.g. Everyone should make the bed after waking up.

The above article guides you on the vocabulary and sentences which can be used to describe household chores. For more articles and blogs related with the guidelines on different topics for beginners, just browse through our blog site. You will definitely enjoy it and it will enhance your English communication skills.

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- By Shailja Varma

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