Grammar for improving your spoken English skills

As an English language learner, it is important for you to understand the fact that the strength of any spoken language basically lies in its grammar. Hence, if you wish to improve your spoken English skills, it is vital for you to work on your grammar, well at least the basics. This is an informative article that will teach you exactly what you need to know in grammar while speaking in English.

We understand that being perfect in grammar is a far off dream; however, you could invest some time in getting a good grip over the basics such as subjects, predicates, verbs and articles. Confused? Read on.

I] Subject:

The 'subject' in a sentence is referred to the 'who' or 'what' you're talking about. Remember that every sentence has a subject. If there is no subject, then you should instantly know that the sentence is incorrect.


Tip: All the words in bold are the subject.

1. He was hungry.
2. That laptop was very expensive.
3. My sister and I will be going today.

II] Predicate:

The 'predicate' in a sentence plays the role of informing the person what the subject is doing. Predicates are the phrases that contain a verb, vital for any sentence formation. Always remember that the verb is always in the predicate.


1. He was hungry.
2. That laptop was very expensive.
3. My sister and I will be going today.

III] Verb:

A verb is nothing but an action word. Something that shows the existence or occurrence. Another point to be noted is that in simple sentences, the verb is mostly in the existing form. Some of the examples of the same are 'am', 'is', and 'are'.


1. She needs to wash her face.
2. Jacky spoke to Janice.
3. Rochelle is laughing.

IV] Articles:

The words 'a', 'an' and 'the' are referred to as articles. Understand the fact that 'a' and 'an' have the same meaning, however, 'a' is used when a word beginning with a consonant or sounding like a consonant is following it and 'an' is used when it is followed by a word that starts with a vowel or sounds like a vowel. Another basic rule to keep in mind is that articles are not used before a name.

Examples- 'a' and 'an

1. A dog crossed the bridge.

2. An eagle flew over the bridge.

Examples- When and when not to use an article

1. Turn left at the burger joint.

2. Turn right at KFC.

3. The girl was running very fast.

4. Rita was running very fast.

Learning English grammar could be a boring process, but only at the start. Once you gain momentum and start learning new rules, the fun portion begins. So, open up your mind to the vast world of knowledge as the more you learn, the more confident you get. Bring out those grammar books and let the learning begin because you are just a few steps away from attaining the envious English speaking fluency many try to achieve.

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- By Chander Madan

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