The art of using ‘verbs’ in the right manner


If you have a little knowledge of English grammar, you will be aware of the fact that verbs are the most important component of any sentence. These are words that talk about the action or state of the noun of any subject. In simpler words, it refers to what the subject or noun is doing or in what state or situation.

learning grammer

Moving on, there are different types of verbs; some of the important ones are listed below. Read and learn:

1. Action verbs

These verbs describe what the subject is doing in the sentence. It is extremely easy to identify an action verb. All you need to do is ask the question, 'What is the subject doing?". Whatever answer you get is the action verb. Simple?

Example- He ran a mile.

Question- What did he do?

Answer- ran (Action verb)

2. Dynamic and Stative verbs

This is a classification of verbs that deals with the verb words themselves; whether they indicate an action or a state of the subject. Understand the fact that this category is not concerned with the object in particular.

Dynamic verbs- They denote an actual action or expression done by the subject. It refers to an action that can be seen or physically felt by the object.

Example- She buys new shoes every week.

Explanation- Here the action is 'buys', which is done by the subject; hence it is a dynamic verb.


Stative verbs- These verbs only refer to a state or situation of the subject. These verbs are used to inform us about the state of mind of the subject, or the relation between the subject and the object.

Example- Jacky prefers blueberry jam.

Explanation- Here the subject is 'Jacky' and the stative verb is 'prefers', which is talking about the thinking towards the object 'jam'.

3. Linking verbs

Linking verbs are used to connect the subject to a noun or adjective, which helps in describing or giving additional information about the subject. Such nouns or adjectives are called the subject complements.

Example- Heena is fussy about food.

Explanation- Here the subject is 'Heena' and the linking verb is 'is'. As in the example 'is' is connecting 'Heena' to the subject complement 'fussy about food'. This gives the reader additional details and information about the subject's preferences.

The art of using verbs in sentences:

To make use of verbs correctly in sentences, it is vital for you to learn more about the construction and use of the different types of verbs. While learning English grammar, you will also notice that each verb changes form according to the tense and use in the sentence. To make use of the right verbs, you will need to know about the following:

1. Regular and Irregular verbs- These are the two different ways in which verbs change to form different tenses. You need to understand whether you just need to add an 'ed' or change the form completely.

2. Finite and Non-finite verbs- These are verbs that can be the main verb of the sentence or just one that is used as an adjective or a noun as well.

3. Modal verbs- These sets of verbs tell us whether something is probable or about the skills of the noun.

Learning and understanding English grammar could get a little daunting. Therefore, you should consider taking help from the professionals by enrolling in an English grammar learning course online to help develop and improve your grammar skills as well as your spoken English communication skills.

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- By Chander Madan

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