Beginner's English - eAge Tutor
Beginner's English

Beginner's English (11)

Thursday, 13 December 2012 06:09

How to Speak Clearly and Fluently?

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hw_spk_fluentclear_img1Importance of Speaking English Fluently:

English is the most widely spoken language. In today’s world all kinds of communication takes place in English. It is very difficult to become successful in life without knowing how to speak this language. Knowing how to speak fluently is the most important criteria in today’s society. If you are not fluent in speaking you may suffer in life. You may feel low in confidence or might not want to meet new people due to poor communication skills. You won’t achieve success or feel embarrassed due to communication barrier. So if you are weak in speaking English, the best way to improve yourself is to learn English. Learning English is not at all difficult and there are various ways to learn English.


How to Speak English Clearly and Fluently?

Steps on how to speak English clearly and fluently

Here are some tips on how to speak clearly and fluently:

Steps on how to speak clearly and fluently:

  1. Do not mumble the words while you speak. Mumbling is a habit of speaking in low volume so that people cannot understand what you are saying. Mumbling can make people feel irritated and annoyed. Stand straight when you speak to someone. A good posture can help you feel confident.
  2. Don’t feel scared if you say anything wrong. Some mistakes can happen while speaking but you should know how to correct your mistake. This is something that will come through practice.
  3. Don’t speak too fast. If you speak too fast, people will understand that you are nervous. Speak slowly and open your mouth as wide as you can while speaking.
  4. You can use different vocabulary words to sound better but it is equally important for you to know the meaning of the words before you use them. Using the wrong word can make you feel embarrassed.
  5. Learn Grammar if you don’t know it. Grammar is important to speak clearly and fluently.
  6. Always make sure that you are using the right word before speaking it out. If you are not sure about any word, say the word silently to yourself first and then speak it out.



Want to know more about “How to speak clearly and fluently?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premium online tutoring provider. Using materials developed by highly qualified educators and leading content developers, a team of top-notch software experts, and a group of passionate educators, eAgeTutor works to ensure the success and satisfaction of all of its students.  

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Wednesday, 26 September 2012 06:51

How to Answer Phone Calls Smartly in English?

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What Does Answering Phone Calls mean?:

hw_ans_call_img1Everyone should follow some etiquette while talking on phone. Although talking on phone seems to be very simple, but there are ways to talk smartly in English on phone. Talking on phone in English can be quite difficult sometimes as you are not talking with the person face to face. So you cannot interpret people’s expressions or gestures and understand what they are trying to say. Sometimes we feel very nervous and fear to answer a phone call. So it is best to prepare in advance to get rid of such complexity. You can learn some phrases and words that can be used while answering phone calls.


How to Communicate Smartly on Phone?

Tips on how to communicate on phone

Here are some tips that can guide you on how to answer phone calls smartly in English.

  1. Every phone call should be answered with a polite greeting. Always say hello when you pick up the phone. Greetings like Hi, how are you? Or Nice to hear from you after a long time can be used. It is considered very rude if a phone call is not answered with proper greetings.
  2. You should always try to avoid putting someone on hold for a long time. Suppose you are not able to find the person with whom the caller is trying to connect, then do not put the caller on hold for more than 1 minute. Apologize in a gentle voice for putting on hold by saying “I am sorry. Mr. Raju is not available right now. I will ask Mr. Raju to call you back once he is here.”
  3. If you find that the caller is looking for a person who is unavailable then you can say “John is unable to come to the phone right now, would you like me to take a message for him?”
  4. If you are making a call, do not forget to introduce yourself and your relationship with the person you’re looking for. Hi! I am Jenny (Vasco’s friend) Can I speak to Vasco?
  5. While answering the phone if you find the caller is looking for you but the caller is not able to recognize your voice, always introduce yourself by saying:

This is Johnny speaking.


This is she.

Johnny here.

  1. While answering phone, you can always request the caller to increase his voice if he is speaking very low, or speak slowly if he is speaking too fast. Some common phrases are:

Could you speak up a little louder, please?

Could you repeat that please?

Can you speak little slowly please?

Can you call me back please? I am unable to hear you.


  1. While answering a call sometimes you might have to take a message for someone. Some common phrases are as follows:

 I am sorry Jessica is not here. Would you like to leave a message for Jessica?

He is busy right now. Can you call him a little later please?


  1. Always end your conversation by saying Thank you.



Want to know more about “How to answer phone calls smartly in English?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

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Tuesday, 18 September 2012 08:14

How to Express Effectively?

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Expressing Effectively:

hw_express_effective_img1Sometimes when we try to convey a very important message to someone we are unable to express ourselves and fall short of words. It is not that we are not good at speaking but we don’t know how to express ourselves effectively. Suppose you need to convey a very important message to your boss, and you could not express it properly. This can happen due to lack of knowledge in vocabulary and hesitancy in the language. you may not get proper attention from your boss and thus feel unattended and neglected at office.

How to Express Yourself Effectively


Here are some tips on how to express yourself effectively:


  1. Even if you try to be expressive in front of your boss, but always be what you are. Be yourself and don’t act as a different person.
  2. You might not sound confident, professional and expressive if you speak too softly or politely. If you speak too softly and if it is inaudible the person might have a feeling that you are not confident enough to deliver your message.
  3. Do not use qualifying words like kind of, somewhat, sort of while speaking These words are used to increase or soften the impact of the message. You can appear as unsure or not confident of what you want to say if such words are used frequently.
  4. Speak very fluently and confidently in English. Do not hesitate or stammer while expressing yourself.
  5. If you want to express yourself expressively, you should listen to others effectively. If you don’t listen to others, you will not be able to speak and express yourself.
  6. A weak handshake can trigger a feeling of lack of confidence and hesitation in the mind of the other person. Just like a weak handshake, a nervous giggle can ruin your image in front of your superiors.
  7. Do not avoid eye contact while talking. You might appear as an insecure and nervous employee and may not be considered for significant work.



Want to know more about “How to express yourself effectively?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.


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Tuesday, 18 September 2012 07:19

How to Communicate well in Hospitality Industry?

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hw_to_com_img1What is Hospitality Industry?:

The hospitality industry consists of different service industries like hotels, restaurants, travel and tourism industry, event management companies.

If you want to become a part of the hospitality industry, then you need to be a fluent communicator. It is a prerequisite to know English so that you can talk with the customers and interact with them very easily.


Why Do you Need to Communicate Well in Hospitality Industry?

Communication in Hospitality Industry

hw_to_com_img2Communication plays a very important role in the hospitality industry. A customer not only pays for the food, room, or product, he also pays for the service. Communication is an integral part of service. A customer can be in a bad mood but a broad smile on the faces of the employees in a restaurant can change the mood of the customer and make him feel good and contended. You need to be very patient, cool and composed and need to keep yourself calm while handling difficult customers.

Many a times the restaurants are required to give information to the customers. This is the most important aspect of the hospitality communication. The customers should be given correct and useful information by the staff. If a person fumbles and hesitates while talking to the customers, it will certainly create a bad impression in the mind of the customer. You can also disappoint the customer with your poor communication skills and the customer will never come back to the restaurant again and will never recommend that restaurant.

Steps to Improve Hospitality Communication

Steps to Improve Communication

Some steps on how to improve hospitality communication are discussed below:

  1. In hospitality industry the staff should be very well trained. So that they can provide good professional service.
  2. A good command over communication can help you satisfy your customers because after all hospitality is all about service!
  3. All correct and right information should be provided to the customers. It is very essential to keep your customers well informed ahead of time.
  4. Another important aspect of hospitality communication is interaction with foreigners. Tourists can visit the restaurant or hotel. The staff should be very fluent in English. Even if they are not aware of any foreign language they can interact in English with them.
  5. All the staffs should know about the day’s menu and should be able to respond to the questions of the customers regarding menu and food.
  6. Staffs should talk very politely and softly with the customers. Ignoring, frowning, and shouting may disappoint the customers.


Want to know more about “How to communicate in hospitality industry?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!


About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

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Monday, 17 September 2012 10:15

What are Some Etiquettes Used While Eating?

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eating_t_manners_img_1Eating Manners:

Eating manners are rules that are applied while eating. It is very important to follow these manners as it help to make a person be more disciplined and trained in life. Eating manners are some guidelines that can be followed to avoid clumsy eating habits.


Important Eating and Table Manners:

Important Eating Manners

Some important eating manners are as follows:

  1. Basic Rules
  1. Always sit straight while eating food. Do not lean back on the chair.
  2. Do not make noise while eating. Eat in small bites and do not talk with food in mouth.
  3. Do not eat quickly. Chew every bit of your food and eat at a medium pace.
  4. Do not wave cutlery in the air.
  5. Keep your elbows off the table.
  6. Do not forget to thank the host after eating. Also appreciate the food and compliment the cook.
  7. Before drinking wipe your mouth with a napkin.
  1. Etiquettes of Dinning


  1. In formal settings, wait for your host to begin eating first. In informal setting, wait for the eldest person of the family to start eating.
  2. Ask for the permission of the host or the elders while leaving the table.
  3. Always use your right hand for eating or receiving food.
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after eating.






Table Manner Tips

Tips on Table Manners


Some more tips on table manners are as follows:

  1. Can I take a sip of my drink while eating food?
i. It is considered to be impolite to take a sip of drink while chewing the food. Wait until you are finished chewing. Take a sip of your beverage once you have chewed and swallowed the food completely.
  1. How should a large napkin be folded before placing it in lap?
ii. A large napkin should be folded in half after opening it and
  1. How should I remove food from my mouth?
iii. If food needs to be removed from mouth, you should cover your mouth with napkin and take out the food. Then put back the napkin in your lap again.
  1. How many utensils should be kept on the table?
iv. Before the meal, the table should be prepared. A table cloth along with placemats should be placed on the table. There should not be more than three utensils on either side of the plate. If extra utensils are needed, those can be brought later.
  1. Is it impolite to reach over someone to pick up food?
v. Yes, it is very impolite to reach over someone to pick up food. You should ask or request other diners to pass the food.



Want to know more about “Eating and Table Manners” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

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Wednesday, 08 August 2012 05:05

How to learn English Online?

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English and its importance:

how-to-learn-english_img_1The official language of our country is English. Everybody wants to succeed in life and for that it is very essential to know English. If you know English it will improve your opportunities to get a good job or work overseas. Nowadays most of the companies look for English speaking candidates. They prefer candidates who are good at English. A person who can speak fluently can travel more often to foreign countries. So to grow and to survive in this competitive world everybody needs to be fluent in English. Another advantage is that you can make more friends through different social networking sites if you are fluent in English.


how-to-learn-english_img_2How To Learn English Online:

Learning English Online

You can learn English online. E-learning or learning online is considered to be one of the convenient ways of learning. One do not need to step out of his/her house and can learn the subject and became a master from the comforts of his/her home. Students can avail the courses that are offered by various E-learning companies. They do not need to carry heavy bags and spend time in traveling but can learn with an online tutor from home. The online courses are very helpful and beneficial. A person who wants to speak fluently can take help from online tutors and thus improve his speaking skills

how-to-learn-english_img_3Importance of Vocabulary

The online courses help you to build your vocabulary. Vocabulary is the collection of words that you can use while speaking with others. If you want to learn English, you should work on your vocabulary skills first. In an online class, the teacher teaches new words everyday which you can use while speaking. The teacher will conduct vocabulary classes on a regular basis that will enable you to learn more words and enhance your knowledge.

how-to-learn-english_img_4Learning English from Online Classes

E-learning has become very common nowadays. One can take help from these online classes and learn English according to his pace and capability. The teachers are also very competent, accomplished, and experienced. The online classes will help you learn and practice English grammar, learn vocabulary, improve your reading skills, improve your communication skills, prepare yourself for tests, play education based games, learn basic rules. Moreover the courses offered by these online classes are very affordable as all these courses are very low priced.



Grammar And Its Importance

To learn English and improve on it, one should be very well conversant with Grammar. In an online environment one can attend Grammar classes which are conducted by reputed teachers. The teachers will teach you the rules of Grammar which are very important for you to know. You’ll also have regular online tests to ensure how much you’ve learned.

how-to-learn-english_img_6Developing your Reading and listening skills

Reading and Listening

In an online environment, you’ll get ample chance to read and listen. Reading and listening are very important aspects of learning English. Since the classes are conducted 24/7, it gives you a regular practice and you can work on your grammar, writing, listening and speaking skills. The online courses will not only teach you English, but will also help you become a good communicator.

Want to know more about “how to learn English Online?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

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What is a Phonetic?

The study of human speech sounds is known as phonetics. It is a system of symbols that is used to represent all the sounds in English.

The term phonetics has been derived from a Greek word φωνή which means phone, sound, or voice.

A person who specializes in phonetics is known as phonetician.

Phonetic Symbols


Phonetic Symbols

The above picture gives us an idea about phonetic symbols.

Branches of Phonetics

Phonetics can be divided into three main branches. They are as follows:
1)  Articulatory Phonetics: it is a study which involves the use of vocal cords to produce a speech sound.
2)   Acoustics Phonetics: It involves the study of physical properties of speech sound.
3)  Auditory Phonetics: It involves the study of the way people recognize speech sounds.                         

The Importance of Phonetics

When we open an English dictionary we find that there is a sign just before or after the word, and these signs are called phonetics.
Phonetics are very important because they help you improve your pronunciation.


History of Phonetics 

Panini was an Indian Grammarian who for the first time studied the rules of articulation in Sanskrit language. King Sejong of Korea created a new system of alphabet that represented accurate sounds. There were many others who followed the footsteps of Panini and King Sejong. During the 17the and 18th Century, the discovery of L, N, and M sounds were made. In order to describe the sounds from different languages, a phonetic system was discovered by the International Phonetic Association during the 19th and 20th Century.

What is phonology

Phonology is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of sound system, their pattern and distribution.

Difference Between Phonetics and Phonology

The study of speech sounds is known as Phonetics and the scientific study of the sound systems and their patterns is known as phonology. For any phonological analysis, phonetics can be considered as the base but for further work in syntax, morphology, and pragmatics phonology is essential.    


Want to know more about “Phonetics?” Click here to schedule live online sessions.

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider.  eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.


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Monday, 06 August 2012 10:17

Learn Root Words

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What are Root Words?

A real word is known as a root word. New words can be made from root words by adding prefixes or suffixes. A root word can stand on its own. It has nothing added to its beginning or its end. It has a meaning.

Root word possible means something that can exist. If we add the prefix im (not) to the word possible it becomes impossible.

Impossible means  not possible, something that cannot exist.


Phobia means fear. If we add a prefix acro (heights) it becomes acrophobia which means a fear of heights. 


Root Words and Prefix/Suffix

Prefixes are words that are added to the beginning of the word. Some common prefixes are mis, dis, re, sub, ante, im, il, un.



The prefix re means again. So the word replay means to play again.

Suffixes are words that are added to the end of the word.

Some common suffixes are full, ness, ing, ed, ly, ence.



The suffix less means without.

The word meaningless means without any meaning or any purpose.


What Is a Word Family?

A group of words that share the common pattern i.e. they share the same root word.    Some examples of word families are as follows:



Importance of Root Words

It is very important to learn root words. If you know the root of any unknown word, then it will help you to find out the meaning of the word.

Also it will help you with spelling of other words, because the word families share the same patterns of spelling.


Example of root words and its families

Some examples of root families are given below.


Want to know more about “Root Words?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider.  eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

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Our body

Know_your_body1There are many vital organs in our body and it is very important to know about our body.

All these important body parts work together and help our body to function properly.

Some important body parts are head, eyes, nose, ears, lips, arms, legs, chest, heart, lungs, bones, muscles, brain.

One of the most important and precious organs of our body is our eyes. It is very essential to know about eyes. The eyes help us to see. There are different parts in our eye.

Names of some important parts are retina, sclera, lens, pupil and cornea.   


Another important organ is our ears. The ears help us to hear. The eardrum vibrates due to sound. There are three small bones in the middle of the ear. They are called hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup. 

The vibration in the eardrum causes a vibration in the middle of the ear. Slowly the vibration reaches our inner ear.
The inner ear has sensitive hair. It generates nerve signals and finally the signal reaches the brain. Some important parts of our ears are eardrum, pinna, cochlea, anvil, and hammer.                            




Important parts of our body

Some important parts of our body are discussed below.
While knowing our body, we should know about our heart. Our heart is made up of muscles. Heart is regarded as the strongest muscle in our body.

The heart beats over 100000 times in one day and it never stops beating! It keeps on beating even when we are asleep. The heart plays a very important role.

It pumps the blood throughout the blood vessels. The blood vessels are called capillaries, veins, and arteries. On an average, the heart beats 72 beats per minute. The heart is about the same size of our fist.  The heart is located behind our rib cage and it is located on the left side of our chest. The ribs protect the heart from any kind of damage or injury.

We should take care of our heart and lead a healthy life. To keep our heart healthy, we should take healthy food, take balanced diet, and exercise regularly.


Another significant organ in our body is brain. The brain is located in the center of our nervous system. The brain controls every action we do. The brain has several different parts. The biggest part is the cerebrum.

It helps the voluntary muscles to function and also helps us to think. The cerebellum which is another important part of our brain is at the back of our brain.


It is situated below the cerebrum. It controls our balance and movement. Just below the cerebrum is the brain stem. The brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord. It takes care of functions like breathing, digesting.


Important Systems of Our Body

While learning about our body, we should also know about some important systems in our body. Some important systems are digestive, respiratory, excretory, nervous, and circulatory.  A discussion on digestive system is as follows.


Know_your_body6Digestive System:  Human beings need food to survive. Once you eat the food it needs to be digested. There are many important organs that constitute our digestive system. These organs help to break down the food into smaller pieces. 

Once you eat the food, it enters our esophagus. From there, the food is directed towards the stomach. The muscles in the stomach grind the food. The chemicals break down the food into chyme.

The chyme then enters the small intestine. The actual digestion process takes place in the chyme. Here it is broken down into smaller bits again. There are small folds in our small intestine.

They are known as villi. The villi absorb the nutrition from the chyme and leave the rest which is not nutritious. The chyme eventually enters the large intestine. The large intestine squeezes away the water from the chyme and retains the water. The chyme becomes harder and passes through the large intestine.

All the nutrition and water is removed during the process of digestion and the waste is left behind.

Want to know more about "your body?" Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider.  eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

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What is an Idiom?:

Idiom1Idioms are word combinations that cannot be taken literally. Idioms do not mean exactly what it says.

In one situation it can have a literal meaning and it can have an idiomatic meaning in another situation.

The meaning of an idiom cannot be understood from the literal interpretation of each word. 


It is raining cats and dogs.   If the literal meaning of this sentence is considered, it will mean cats and dogs are falling from the sky which does not make any sense.

But if we consider the idiomatic meaning then it will mean it is raining hard.

So the literal meaning of idiom cannot be taken. We have to consider the idiomatic meaning.

Importance of Idiom

Idiom2Idioms are important because it helps you develop your vocabulary. Idiom is a part of our daily speech.

Also if you have a good knowledge of idioms you can participate in a group discussion or debate more frequently and without any hesitation.

It is important to learn about idioms because it will help you understand what others are saying.


Examples of Idioms

The below mentioned are the examples of few commonly used idioms in our daily speech:


Idiom3A piece of cake

This idiom means a task that can be done very easily.

Sentence: The exam was a piece of cake.


Idiom4All in the same boat

When everyone faces the same difficulties

Sentence: They were all in the same boat.


Idiom5Back to square one

When you have to start all over again.

Sentence: The girl could not clear her final examination. She is back to square one now.


Sell like hot cakes

Sell quickly in large quantities.

Sentence: The book is selling like hot cakes in India.


Idiom7Cloud nine

When someone is very happy

Sentence: I have got a new job today! I am on cloud nine!

How Can I learn Idioms?

Idiom8Idioms help to improve your vocabulary. So. You can take help from the dictionary to learn these.

You can write down idioms in a diary and also make sentences with them. You can take help from online spoken English tutors.

So you can join an online spoken English class to learn about idioms and thus improve your vocabulary and speaking skills.

Why and When Should We Use Idioms

Idiom9Use of idioms makes a conversation interesting and impressive. So idioms can be used whenever the requirement is.

If you want to make your language more interesting and attractive you can use an idiom.

Want to know more about "Idioms?" Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider.  eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.

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