Learn these spooky Halloween idioms- Part two


In our previous blog, we explained to you about Halloween and spooky idioms related to it. Here are some more idioms that you can use in your communication.


Make way for Halloween idioms

1. Not a cat in hell’s chance

This idiom means no chance at all.

E.g. The old lady has a strong intention to go to the temple on the top of the mountain but she doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance to do so because of the heavy rains.

2. Come back to haunt someone

This idiom means to make a mistake and face the consequences later.

E.g. Some students have the habit of passing exams by illegal methods but they don’t know that in future it will come back to haunt them.

3. Death trap

This idiom is used to describe a dangerous place, building or a structure.

E. g.That old broken structured building is a death trap.

4. To send shivers down one's spine

This idiom is used to indicate one’s expressions of feeling frightened.

E.g. During school days, a look from my maths teacher used to send shivers down my spine.

5. To dig one's own grave

This idiom is used to indicate one’s own downfall in his life due to his/her own mistake.

E.g. You are digging your own grave when you do these unethical things in assignment submissions.

6. Witching hour

Witching hour is the time of ‘midnight’ when creatures such as witches, demons and ghosts are thought to appear, and use their effective black magics on people.

E.g. People in villages sleep early as they are  aware about creatures and the witching hour.

7. In cold blood

This idiom is indicated for someone who has done a specific thing deliberately and without any emotions.

E.g. The Indian Army never shoots any rivalry army in a cold blood.

8. Make the blood run cold

This idiom has been used as an expression which indicates that an individual is extremely frightened.

E.g. Raj, why you are making his blood run cold?

9. Skeleton in the cupboard

Skeleton in the cupboard is something that can bring embarrassment to your family.

E.g. If you want to become a strong politician, you should not have too many skeletons in your cupboard.

10. Out for one’s blood / after one’s blood

This idiom means to be determined to get revenge.

E.g. He was after Mani’s blood for stealing his money.

There are many idioms related to Halloween. However, one can’t learn all of them at the same time. Keep reading and you will find more interesting idioms and their meanings. You can join an online spoken English class to improve your English speaking and grasping power.


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- By Chander Madan

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