Displaying items by tag: The art of conversing - eAge Tutor
Saturday, 03 August 2013 13:06

How to start a conversation on phone?

All of us at some point of time face a situation where we need to call a complete stranger. The reasons could be anything, a marketing call, an official work-related call, inquiry call, etc. Do you get petrified when you think about striking a conversation? Worry not. Here's a guide to help you carry out a smooth spoken English conversation.

We shall look at some phrases that are effective in starting a conversation and discuss on the homework that you should undertake before dialing your phone.

Conversation scenario

Conversation scenario 

Before making the call, note down the question you are going to ask the caller. For instance, if you are calling one of your friends, after a long time, to inquire about a job opening in his company, you could start with:


Caller: Hello, John, how have you been?

Receiver: I am fine Kate and how are you? It has been long sice we talked or met.

Caller: Well, yes! I was a bit tied up with some official matter and now I am free.

Receiver: That is so nice of you. So, tell me, how are you?

Caller: Well, I have called you with a concern in mind. My company is going through layoffs, and I am a bit scared,although nothing has been conveyed to me.

Receiver: Well, don't worry; I am sure everything will be all right. Is there some way I can help you?

Caller: Yes, could you inquire if there is an opening in your company in the Accounts section, it will be of great help!

Conversation on phone

Receiver: No problem, consider it done. I shall call you soon with the updates. Don't worry; I am sure with your kind of experience, getting a new job would not be difficult.

Caller: Thanks! That is very kind of you. Take care and let me know about the job status. Bye for now!

Receiver: Bye and you take care!

See, isn't it a good English-speaking lesson on how to start and continue your conversation in a flow.

Now, let us look at how to speak English better while carrying out a phone conversation with a professional tone.

Conversational Example:

How to start conversation

You: Hello, good morning! I am Kavita; may I speak to Mr. Thomas, please?

Secretary: Could you please hold on for a second? I shall transfer your call.

You: Ok, yes, Thanks!

Secretary: Sorry Ms. Kavita, Mr. Thomas is in a conference right now. Would you like to leave a message?

You: Oh! Yes. Can you please inform him that we are having a seminar this Friday, and we would be glad if he could attend. I'm calling from eAgeTutor's office.

Secretary: Sure, I will let him know. Thanks for the invitation.

Key points to note:

From the above two spoken English conversations, we can deduce few points:

• Always have a plan before calling

• Be an active listener

• Be patient

• Sound positive

• Prepare a good closing

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our online English tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

Related Topics:

1. What are some phrases for conversation?

2. Conversations while Ordering Food

3. How to Carry a Conversation at a Party?

4. Conversation at the Airport Check-in

5. Conversation with a Fellow English Learner

Published in Spoken English

Watching your child develop a dislike from attending school due to a class that mocks him/ her could be saddening. You wouldn't want your child to face issues in the classroom yet attend school on your insistence, tearfully. Teasing and baiting is a common fact at pre- primary and primary level yet when you hear your child complaining about it so much so that he/ she refrains from attending school ; it's time for you to take charge and get to the root of the problem.


Speaking to an authority in fluent English:

As and when, a situation like this arises, choke not. Speaking to an authoritative person like a school principal, does get intimidating , yet having to do so in well- spoken English with a tint of finesse and flair to it is essential. Remember he/ she is the principal and hence, a dash of respect underlying in the sentences and words you choose is crucial.

Learn English vocabulary:

Having a strong vocabulary and continuously learning new words in English is a requirement, for normally, when speaking to an authoritative person, he/ she might be well- versed with his/ her vocabulary. Sometimes, this leaves you dumbstruck and not knowing the word would mean, not knowing the meaning it holds and hence not knowing how to reply to the statement passed by the person in front.

Let's take an example to get cues on how to handle a conversation with an authority (Child's principal) and some tips on how to learn spoken English fluently.


Your pre- primary going kid refuses to attend school due to this dominating group of children in her class collectively teasing, pushing and pulling away her lunch box from her everyday. She always comes home crying and the degree of mocking is getting beyond limits. Also, you've approached the class teacher yet all in vain. It's time to speak to the principal.


Conversational Example:

Brenda (Mother): Excuse me Ma'am, Can I come in?

Mrs. Fernandes (Principal): Come in.

Brenda: Good Morning Ma'am. We've never met before so let me introduce myself. I am Berny's mother.

Mrs. Fernandes: Pardon me. I have too many children in my school. I wouldn't be able to associate the name with the right child.

Brenda: I understand that Ma'am. My daughter Berny studies in the pre- primary section in Jr. K.G, division A.

Mrs. Fernandes: Oh. Okay. And how may I help you?

Brenda: Well Ma'am, my daughter has been facing some minor issues that have now begun to blow out of proportion in her class.

Mrs. Fernandes: Go on...

Brenda: There is this mischievous group of seven students that misbehave with Berny everyday. In the initial stages, it was only light teasing but gradually it evolved into something more serious like pushing and tugging her, stealing her lunch and calling her names almost throughout the day.

Mrs. Fernandes: I cannot believe this is going on in my school! We are strictly against this behavior. Why didn't you bring this to the class teacher's attention all this while?

Brenda: I did Ma'am, I did ask her to keep an eye out on that particular group of kids yet nothing changed. I decided to give the teacher some time before I approached you but it's been a week now and my daughter is refusing to attend school. She has started to look frail too over these three weeks as she doesn't get to eat her lunch and is slipping into acute depression .

Mrs. Fernandes: I am sorry Brenda. I was unaware about anything like this taking place. I wouldn't have let this misbehavior take place for more than a day! I will look into this matter right away. I understand your concern as a parent... and so, would you like to come with me to her class and get things right?

Brenda: I would love to... Thank you so much Ma'am.

Mrs. Fernandes: It is my duty.


A simple, sophisticated conversation in fluent English. You too can learn to speak English fluently online, this will improve your English communication and give you an array of tips to improve your spoken English.

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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How to Talk to a Teacher About the Issue of Bullying?

How to Talk to Your Boss to Change Your Department?

How to Talk About Your Opinions?

How to Talk About Your Child's School?

The Critical Role of Vocabulary to Learn Fluent English

Published in Spoken English
Saturday, 20 July 2013 13:02

How to Talk at a Parent Teacher Meeting?

As a parent, taking active participation in your child's school activities is necessary and why not? Every parent would want to get involved in his or her child's school life, especially when it comes to the education front. Attending a parent- teacher meeting need not be fun, but it is important that you make this one hour with your child's teacher a productive one.

Parent Teacher Meeting

Confidence : 

It is likely for you to feel less confident and hence hesitant about attending the meeting. The main reason being 'the language' English. Do you think it is worth missing out on such a crucial meet in your child's life for something as basic as language?

 Enroll in an English-speaking course online and learn how to increase English fluency quicker than ever. At meetings, as these, it is definite that the language being used majorly throughout the entire session is bound to be English; hence, it is crucial that one works on improving spoken English skills. One must understand the importance of speaking in good English and use that as a driving force in learning and mastering the language.

Let's take a look at an excellent example:

Situation: You've been called to your child's school for a parent- teacher group meeting. It's the first time you're meeting the class teacher and you're needed to converse with her.


Rita (Mother): Good Morning! I am Rita, Siddhi's mother. Hope you're doing well today.

Aparna (Teacher): Good Morning Rita! It's nice to finally meet you. I am doing just fine.


Rita: I guess I have walked in a little too early for the session, is it?

Aparna: No, that's fine. I personally believe, it's always good to be early than late.

Rita: I am a strong believer of that too and hence, always land up early at places.

Aparna: That's very similar to my way of doing things.

Rita: That's nice. So, Aparna... What exactly are we discussing in today's meeting; if you don't mind my asking you?

Aparna: Oh no! It's all good. There's an annual day coming up and we teachers aren't enough for the volume of children to be handled on the chaotic day. Besides, on such days, for some reason, the children get all boisterous and uncontrollable. We are on the lookout for parents who can help us out with the children, the events, backstage management, and handling and distributing the snacks.

Rita: Wow! You teachers really work hard. I would love to help. Let's see which department I fit into .

Aparna: Sure.

Rita: Aparna, how is Siddhi in the class? Attentive? Or distracted?

Aparna: Siddhi is a very bright student. She is on the quieter side and often needs to be motivated to speak aloud.

Rita: That's surprising. She's the loud speaker of our house and naughtiness is always on her mind. Nevertheless, I am glad that that's not the case in school. She's definitely a little shy yet I will have to work on her public- speaking skills.

Aparna: A brilliant student otherwise, both on the education as well as extra- curricular front.

Rita: I would take that as a compliment on Siddhi's behalf. Thank you.


While holding a formal conversation with someone, keep it crisp and to the point. Make use of the general etiquettes like 'Thank you', 'Excuse me', 'Sorry', and 'You're welcome' as and when required. It is vital that you improve your English by dedicating sufficient time to the English language.

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based  well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our online English tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Published in Spoken English


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