How to Seek Permission in English: The Correct Usage of ‘Can’ and ‘May’

An important aspect of communication between any two individuals is seeking and obtaining permission to carry out any specific activity or task. Right from our childhood and school days, we have been taught to ask permission from our parents or teachers, whether this is to take or do something.

Whether you will be successful in getting the permission, depends on the way you ask. Here are some key considerations to bear in mind.

Be polite when you ask for permission: Being polite is a great virtue at any time; it is especially so when you are trying to ask for permission. It is important to sound like you really mean to ask for permission and not like you are just completing a formality. The tone in which you ask determines how your question will be perceived.

Time it right: Ask for permission at the right time. It will not be appropriate to put in your request at the last minute in most cases. It is disruptive to the person who has to give permission. Moreover, the giver may deem it offensive and an indication of lack of respect for both time as well as accepted organisational practices if such requests come in at the last minute. Of course, if the matter is extremely urgent and there is an emergency situation, by all means go and ask for due permission without prior notice.  In fact, if the situation is extremely critical that you don’t have time to seek permission, then you should do the next best thing: at the earliest opportunity, inform and update those concerned your action with an explanation of why you couldn’t wait to obtain permission. In most cases, concerned folks will demonstrate empathy and accept your explanation.

Now, we come to the manner in which we ask for permission. Very often, we hear questions like this:

-        “Can I go home an hour early today?” 

-        “Can I work from home today?”

The problem with this question lies in the usage of “Can” at the beginning of the question. When you use “Can”, it implies a question on your ability to do the thing that you are asking permission for.

For example, the person to whom the above questions are put can very well answer: “Yes, of course, you can. But you may not!”. What this person is effectively saying is that whether or not you can go home early or work from home is entirely in your control, but whether or not I allow you to do it is in my control.

So, the right way to ask for permission in English is by asking a question using “May” instead of “Can”. When you begin the question with “may” there is no ambiguity about the purpose of your question - it is very clear that you are seeking permission.

Some people choose to seek permission in the form of a statement that expresses a desire or request. For example, it would be in the form of something like: “I would like to ask for your permission to go home early today.” or “I request you to allow me to go home early today.”

Though this format is correct, in our opinion, it is slightly long-winded. Moreover, the greater focus still seems to be on you, the person asking for permission rather than putting the onus on the person receiving it.

We prefer and recommend the question format starting with “May” , as it seems much more concise and gives the impression of greater control and authority to the permission-giver.

The next time you are about to ask somebody for permission, remember to start the question with ‘May’ instead of ‘Can’!

About EAgeTutor: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve English in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of the mouse away in this age of effective and advanced communication technology. For further information on the online English-speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

-By Chander Madan

How to use English words– Remember, Remind and Memorise

English, as people popularly say, is a confusing language. And the reason for that is, when a word in a different language, say Hindi, is translated in English, you have to be very specific about which English word you choose. The English vocabulary is wide, and there are many words to mean the same thing, but that need to be used in different contexts, and that is what confuses people who are learning English, or are not fluent in their spoken English. Recently, I was speaking to a friend and she said something that triggered this blog. She said, “I can never memorise to drink enough water.” Now I could easily see why she said that, because when I corrected her saying, ‘You mean I can never REMEMBER to drink enough water?’ she said, “Doesn’t memorise and remember mean the same thing.

I understand it is a common misconception among a lot of new English speakers, and today’s blog is for clearing it and helping you understand the difference between remember, remind and memorise. Let’s first understand the meaning of these three words.


This is a memory, or something that you know from experience. You either remember something yourself or ask someone else to remember for you. Examples of using it in a sentence:

“I can’t remember this person’s name.”

“Can you remember what colour were her shoes?”

“I wish I could remember the name of this song.”


This is when something, or someone makes you remember something. It is an act of something triggering you to remember something. Examples of using it in a sentence:

“Can you please remind me to drink 8 glasses of water today?”

“This song reminds me of my mother.”

“Do I need to remind you that the report is due today?”


It is when you try to put some information in your memory, so that it stays there. Examples of this word in a sentence:

“I am yet to memorise my graduation day speech”

“I know of people who can memorise an entire book!”

“No matter how many times I meet her, I just can’t memorize her name!”

The best way to understand this concept is by practicing. Visualize a scene, where you might need to use and practice it. Here’s a little exercise for you to start with.

What do you think will fit in these sentences?

I clearly _____ the day I first met you.

You don’t have to ____ me about that horrible accident.

Why can’t you ever _____ to carry an umbrella?

All the best!

About EAgeTutor: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve English in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

-By Chander Madan

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Understanding usage of confusing English words "Ago" & "Before"

Hello there! Ready for the English lesson for today. I hope you remember that we have discussed about confusing words in English earlier too. There are many words in English that can leave a non-native speaker slightly perplexed, because one wrong word used, changes the complete meaning of what you are trying to convey. Two of the most confusing words of all times are ‘ago’ and ‘before’. A lot of time, people end up using these two interchangeably, completely changing the meaning of what they are trying to convey. If you are make this mistake too, do not feel bad. It is only natural to make mistakes, after all that is how we learn. And now that you are here, we know that you would like to learn and ensure that you do not go on making mistakes like these. So, what is the difference between these two words, and what is the right way to use them?

What does ‘Ago’ mean?

Ago is a past tense word that signifies something that has already happened in the past. Like when you want to say that you have already visited a place in the past, you can say, I visited this place a few days/ weeks/ months ago. This notifies that this event took place in the history. The best example is story books – most stories start with ‘A long time ago…’ which shows that the events mentioned have already happened.

What does ‘before’ mean?

Before is a past perfect tense word signifying something that came earlier than the subject of the conversation. For example, you can say ‘I came before anyone else in the class’, which says that you were the first one to reach the class. Before can also be used as a word of caution. When you say, ‘Before you jump down, make sure that the safety harness is in place’. Here, before is used to denote that you should do something before you proceed. Before can be used in context of various tenses and does not often have to denote past tense.

Again, as it is with anything to do with the rules of this language, practice is the key. Whenever you need to use either of these words in a sentence, think about the word you are using and test whether it is correct. Do not hesitate from asking for help and double-checking yourself. Happy learning!

About EAgeTutor: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve English in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

-By Chander Madan

Related topics:

1. Avoid common English mistakes: How and when to use "one of", "some of" and "few of" 

2. Lose, lost, loose and loss – Do you understand the difference? 

3. Difference between ‘how about’ and ‘what about’ and how to use it 

4. Difference between Sometimes, Sometime and Some Time 

5. Common mistakes in English speaking

Interesting ways to say "Nice to meet you"

As we all know, first impression is the last impression. Therefore, first impression should always be a positive and a good one, so that the person you are meeting feels good about you. There are some ways through which you can do this. Even in offices, when you have a meeting with your boss or with your clients there are some ways and manners which you need to follow. So, let us have look on interesting ways to say nice to meet you.

Ways to say Nice to Meet you:

1. Pleased to meet you:  It is a formal way of saying nice to meet you. These words are used in offices with clients or boss.

Example - We had been trained that when you meet a client, we are supposed to say pleased to meet you.

2. It’s a pleasure to meet you: It’s a positive way to say nice to meet you.

Example - Rahul said that it would be a pleasure to meet you again on Wednesday.

3. It’s lovely to meet you: It is an informal way which we can use with our friends and loved ones.

Example - It’s so lovely to meet you after a long time my dear friend.

4. It was nice to have met you: This is used when you meet a new friend

Example - It was really nice to have met you and I am glad that now we are good friends.

5. Glad to meet you: When you meet someone in an informal way

Example - It was really glad to meet you at the party yesterday.

6. Great seeing you: When you meet someone whom you have already met.

Example -It is seriously great seeing you after two months.

7. Great interacting with you: When you have already interacted with a person before.

Example - It’s great interacting with you, as you share lots of interesting ideas and facts that I haven’t heard of.

8. Had a great time: When you leave after a meeting or after finishing a conversation.

Example - I had a great time spending it especially with you.

9. How wonderful meeting you: When you predict to meet someone

Example - How wonderful it is meeting you as I was anticipating that we would meet today.

There are many interesting ways in which you can show your pleasure of meeting somebody. Practice using the above in your day to day conversation with people and you will create a good impression for yourself.


About EAgeTutor: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve English in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

-By Chander Madan

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How to build your English vocabulary – and Why?

There is no denying the fact that communication is a must for any kind of human interaction or collaborative efforts. The quality of your communication, however, be it written or spoken, depends on the strength of your vocabulary. Your ability to use the right words to convey exactly what you mean makes you a better communicator and holds you in good stead in general conversations.

Here we shall look at a few tips that can help you improve your English Vocabulary over time.

1) Make Reading a Habit

Reading is one of the easiest ways to begin with on improving your English vocabulary. Start with newspapers or magazines. The idea is to learn new words and understand what they mean in the context of the sentence they are used in. If you still cannot get the picture, a look into your dictionary will help. Once you get a hang of regular reading, you can move on to novels and literary classics.

2) Befriend the Dictionary and Thesaurus

Whenever you come across an unfamiliar word – be it in the hard print format or online, make a note of the same. Then use the dictionary or thesaurus to figure out the meaning, the pronunciation, synonyms (similar words) and even its antonyms (having opposite meaning). This exercise on a regular basis is a sure-fire way of improving your vocabulary.

3) Watch the English News

This will help you understand pronunciations better and will also give you a better sense of the conversational flow when speaking. When you do come across new words – look them up and make a mental note of the same quickly so that your brain registers and remembers the new word it just learnt. It would also be a good idea to note the differences in accent and news reading styles across different world channels like CNN, BBC etc.

4)Maintain a Journal

Once you start following a routine of reading and learning, you will start coming across more and more fascinating words. So, maintaining a journal to document your journey would be a good idea. It can also serve as a good gift later to someone else who is seeking vocabulary improvement.

5) Have conversations

There is no better way to put your vocabulary to test than to have real-time conversations with people. Start with the ones who know you well enough to not judge you for your initial attempts. But eventually the idea is to be able to have a choice of words at your mental disposal, so that you may use the words that most aptly convey your thoughts, in any given scenario.

Now that we have looked at a few ways to improve your English vocabulary with time and practice, let us see what you stand to gain once you have an improved vocabulary.

a. Increased Confidence in Public Speaking with an array of words at your disposal.

b. You will begin to read even seemingly complex articles with better understanding of the language.

c. Improved comprehension of what others write or say, with minimal scope for misunderstanding.

d. You will be able to communicate your thoughts more effectively, be it written or in conversations.

e. Last but not the least, your personal and professional image is enhanced when you display a wide range of your vocabulary.

So, there you have it – the advantages are many but it is important to stay motivated and keep learning daily. So, start reading, making notes, reviewing and try to make use of the newly learnt words in actual conversations. Soon you will be on your way to become a good communicator and will understand others better.

About EAgeTutor: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world-class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve English in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

- By Chander Madan

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