Displaying items by tag: English speaking skills - eAge Tutor

You are the Information Manager at a renowned company and a service vendor has requested an appointment. Your secretary informs you that your schedule at the requested time is packed. Hence, you wish to decline the meeting request. However, you are wondering about the best way to decline the request without hurting business relations.

Make use of your fluent English skills to politely reject the appointment request such that it does not come across as rude. This article will show you the best way to accept or reject an appointment request by a call or email. Follow the below samples as guidelines.

A. Sample Acceptance for a Meeting 

a. By Phone

Situation: Your time schedule permits you for an appointment with your vendor. You dial them.

Hello, Am I speaking to Mr. Shah?

Yes? May I know who this is?

You: This is Rajat calling from Capgemini. You had requested for a meeting with me to discuss our service agreement.

Shah: Yeah. That's right. So is 21 November, 11.00 am fine by you?

You: Yes. I can accept the meeting request as my schedule is free on the mentioned date and time. We can discuss the agreement in detail.

Shah: So it's decided then, I, along with my representatives will be there at your office on 21 November at 11.00 am.

You: Okay. Looking forward to our meeting. Thanks. Have a great day!

b. By Email

From: rajat@capgemini.com

To: shah@pcstech.com

Subject: Meeting request on 21 November.

Dear Mr. Shah,

Pursuant to your email dated 7 November 2013, about service agreement discussions, I am glad to accept the meeting invitation on 21November. We can have a meeting at 11.00 am on that day in my office.

Kindly revert in case of clarifications.

Thanks and Regards,

Rajat Singh

Information Manager


B. Sample Rejection for a meeting appointment 

a. By Phone

Your secretary informs you that your schedule for this month is packed but a vendor has called and is insisting on a meeting with you. You tell her to transfer the call to you.

You: Hello.

Shah: Hello, Mr. Rajat. How are you doing?

You: I am doing fine, Mr. Shah.

Shah: Glad that you took up our call. We were planning to meet you up at your office tomorrow at 11 am. I have also forwarded you an email with this regard a few days back.

You: My apologies for not replying to your email, but I am afraid my schedule is packed for this week.

Shah: Okay. Can we reschedule it then for next week?

You: That sounds perfect. Let me check my calendar for next week and revert to you via email. Is that okay?

Shah: Sounds great. Thanks for calling.

The above samples show how to politely accept or reject a meeting request.  Professional English language is a mandatory in such communications so that your business relationships remain intact. Any misunderstanding can have an adverse effect on your goodwill and business. Therefore, make sure your English speaking skills and writing skills are up to date and polished. If you want to improve your spoken English skills, take assistance from an online English tutor.

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Published in Business English

What is Vocabulary?

Vocabulary plays a very fundamental role in the process of learning and acquiring a language. It is nothing but a bank of words that your mind registers. It is something that lends you a hand in understanding what you hear and read and also what you intend on saying in the most effective way.

Learn Fluent English

Which words to learn?

With every passing day, you will come across numerous English words, sometimes even more than you can process. Don't give up as yet; what you hear and read will boost your English speaking skills. Take one-step at a time and you will be able to notice and measure your progress. Begin with learning words that are important and hold some value in your life.

For Example:

• Learn words that pertain to your present job.

• Learn words that you often read and hear

• Learn words that you know you could use in your day to day life

• Learn words to describe yourself, your family and your hobbies

• Learn words that will improve your English

Read Books, Magazines, Newspapers

Role of Vocabulary 

If you are not an avid reader, it's time to start being one. Reading novels, informative magazines, newspapers, and other spoken English books will etch the words you see and read in your head. Continued reading over a period of time will certainly push your vocabulary a few steps higher than where you began. Besides, reading is a fun pastime, why not devote some time to it if it's helping you augment your English communication skills? Also, make an English dictionary your best friend for a while.

Watch English movies and sitcoms

Role of Vocabulary 1 

This is a great and entertaining way of learning English. Ask your friends or colleagues for which English movie or show would they recommend and go by that. Switch on the movie or the television series and lay back with a dictionary at hand. Try and watch these on a computer or a laptop so that as and when you do not understand a particular word, you can pause and look it up in your temporary best friend (dictionary). Once you've understood its meaning, play the video and repeat the same as and when the need arises.

Maintain a Diary


This might be new to you but do it, it's worth it! Maintain a diary where you can jot down all the new words you have learned alongside their respective meanings. Try and figure out which words you have not used that often and ensure you use those words in the desired situation. Keeping a diary is one of the proven ways to improve your English speaking skills.

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our online English tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Published in Spoken English


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