Displaying items by tag: How to ask for directions - eAge Tutor

To find an ideal dermatologist to visit on a regular basis is quite a task, but when you do find him/ her, stick to the same. It is best to have only one skin specialist to visit frequently in time of outbursts or allergies, as he/ she can understand, monitor and give you the required medication.

Give direction to reach clinic

Hypothetical situation:

Taking into consideration, a hypothetical situation, you have your family dermatologist sorted that you visit as and when the need arises. A friend of yours is still shuffling between skin specialists to zero down on one doctor for a while. This friend calls you to ask you about your skin doctor and how good he is with his medications, prescriptions, and dosages. She is down with an allergy and needs to visit a doctor on an urgent basis. On your recommendation, she decides to go ahead with your dermatologist and asks for the directions to the clinic.

Call Doctor

How would the conversation be in well- spoken English? Let's have a look:

Riya: Hello.

Nikita: Hey Riya. How are you?

Riya: I am not very fine, Nikki.

Nikita: What's wrong? Should I come over?

Riya: No. Don't come home. I have caught an allergy and I'm not too sure if you can catch it too.

Nikita: Allergy? What sort of an allergy? Did you eat something? Touch something?

Riya: No Nikki. Relax. I haven't yet figured out how I got this.

Nikita: Are there any lumps or redness and itchiness?

Riya: Lumps. Tiny red lumps are there on  my face, neck and hands. I hope it's not the lotion I applied this morning.

Nikita: I have told you so many times to check the expiry date on the cosmetic products you use. You never listen, act carelessly and develop all these infections.

Riya: Lecture me later, for now tell me if your doctor is reliable enough  for an allergy as this.

Nikita: Yes, of course! I have been visiting him since my teenage years. He gives the perfect medicine, creams and ointments to clear your skin off all the blemishes. Isn't too expensive either.


Riya: Sounds good to me, how do I get to his clinic, can you direct me there?

Nikita: Listen carefully; Get to sector- 29, near the Blue Sky hotel.

Riya: Blue Sky?

Nikita: The huge 5 star near the signal...

Riya: Oh! Yes... Blue Star. Then?

Nikita: From that signal, take a right.

Riya: Okay.

Nikita: Once you've taken the right, take the first left and keep going down the same road.

Riya: Done.

Nikita: Soon you'll reach a dead end; the building on the right is where his clinic is.

Riya: Okay. What's his name?

Nikita: His name is Dr. Shenoy and he sits on the fifth floor of the building.

Riya: Thank you. I will see you soon after my treatment.

Nikita: Sure. Take care, Bye.

Having a conversation with a friend should be relaxed and at ease, even if it is in the English language. Since they are your friends, it shouldn't be a big deal if you make a mistake or two while conversing. You can gain confidence and improve English speaking skills by practicing with your near and dear ones. Mastering the language and developing your English communication skills can also become more fun if you have someone for company to practice with.

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Published in Spoken English
Saturday, 29 June 2013 12:39

How to Ask for Directions?

Being in a new place itself gets overwhelming enough to have you lose your direction. Yet, if you have someone as company to go through the lost route, it sends a feeling of security. But imagine being lost in a new city, with no one to fall back upon but the locals. To worsen the situation what if the locals do not speak another language but their mother tongue and English, which is the case in most part of the world.

How to ask direction

Panicking is the last thing you want to do, because doing so will just get you a little more confused than what you already are. When life throws you in such a case, just breathe slowly and take one step at a time.

English: A Global Language

English is a language that is often referred to as the "Global Language", and so, sharpening your English speaking skills will bring you a reward or atleast get you out of a dreadful situation as such.

Here's how you can push yourself out of such a situation in simple spoken English:

You: Excuse me; I'm looking for the cantonment area.

Stranger: This is the city side; you have to get yourself a ride as the cantonment area lies on the outskirts of Kannur.

You: Oh! How far is it and in which  direction do I go?

Ask direction

Stranger: It is a good 45 minutes' drive. You will have to go to the main circle called Sudarpali. There you will get a lot of buses that ply i that direction.

You: Thank you so much Sir. I feel a little lost.

Stranger: You're welcome. Yes, Kerala is a place that can get many people  lost, as all the roads look similar.

You: Well, now I think I will manage to find my way out. Have a good day.

Stranger: You too.

Why choose to learn English?

choose to learn english 

It is always good to be well- spoken and to be able to hold an entire successful conversation in the English language. Speaking in English is regarded extremely important in today's world. Even tourists from all over the world make it a point to develop at least the Basic English speaking techniques before they head on to their tours across the globe. The language has made its mark and how!

While speaking in English, ensure you speak fluently. If you're ever heading for a trip out of the comfort of your city, brush up on your English speaking skills as well as your English grammar.

About eAgeTutor:

eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our online English tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Published in Spoken English


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