Displaying items by tag: Tips to give negative feedback effectively - eAge Tutor
Monday, 30 September 2013 05:53

How to give Negative Feedback?

Giving negative feedback is among the most dreaded responsibilities of a Human Resource executive. Nevertheless, it is never easy giving people negative feedback or criticism , but it is a much-required element of working in a growing organization. Negative feedback pinpoints undesired behavior and is referred to as 'constructive criticism'.

As an HR executive, we all want to encourage desired behavior and negate undesired actions. With a preview of the company's growth and development aspect, you are required to keep a tab on employees that are not performing as per the desired potential. Being in this position could get you in a fix and hence, let us look at the ten ace negative feedback guidelines:

1) Hold your emotions:It is crucial for you to keep your company's objective before your own.


"Rajiv, the company policy does not permit you to take any leaves without pre- informing."

2) Express feedback in a private place: Refrain from providing negative feedback in front of other employees.


"Could you please come to my cabin, there are some things we need to discuss about."

3) Keep your focus point intact: Avoid beating around the bush and blaming the individual, instead, focus on the behavior that is despised by the company.


"The issue that we are here to discuss is the number of leaves you've taken without informing us as an organization."

4) Timing is crucial: As far as possible, pinpoint to the employee his/ her wrong doings right after their disagreeable behavior.

5) Keep Calm: Do not go obnoxious on the employee. Instead, put your point forth calmly with constant professionalism.


"Rajiv, you've been a great employee to work with, the only issue we're facing is your habit of taking leave without informing in advance, which hinders the company's policy as well as ethics."

6) Reassure your faith: Inform the employee that you still have faith in their potential and abilities.


"I know for a fact that you are a professional employee, henceforth, you will pay heed and inform us before taking any more leaves, right?"

7) Let him/ her speak: If the employee wishes to explain their behavior, let them.


"Do you wish to say anything or explain your behavior?"

8) Explain the scope for positive improvement: Identifying the issue, inform the employee about the right way of tackling an issue as such.


"You are permitted to take leaves. However, make sure to inform us in advance. This way we can make some arrangements so that no work is hindered while you're away."

9) Move on: Once done with the conversation, forget it ever happened. Nothing is more motivating than forgiving and forgetting.


"We're good, right Rajiv? I hope this discussion ends here."

10) Be yourself: Be realistic and truthful. Do not put on a fake show of words while conversing. It is not fair to your employee or to your organization.

While giving negative feedback to your employees speak in fluent English as, a stammering HR is not a professional asset to any organization. If you are not very confident about your English communication skills, fret not! Just sign up for one of the professional online English learning programs and polish your spoken English skills to the optimum. Understand the fact that the English language is a valuable possession you will own lifelong.

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- By Monika Agarwal

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Published in Business English


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