Memory Techniques for Learning English - eAge Tutor
Tuesday, 09 April 2013 05:12

Memory Techniques for Learning English Featured

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When learning a new language, especially English, the most common problem people face is to memorize the never-ending words and phrases. After all, the English language has about 1,013,913 words, with new words being coined every now and then!

Now memorizing each and every word is a mean task, and not even the greatest scholars can know all about it. Adding to this mix is the fact that many individual word has multiple meanings. For example, the word 'set' has 424 meanings! That is a staggering number for a three-alphabet word.

Do not let these facts scare you. English is a helpful language, with so many people in so many countries speaking it. It is the language in which all official documentations are done, and it is the language of electronic communication as well.

In this day and age, you just cannot function without at least the basic knowledge of English. Learning spoken English is an active and gradual process, which one needs to keep practicing and improving.MT-Learning_English

There are many tips and tricks that one can employ to learn and improve English, however it is remembering that is the main issue. Many people struggle over using the right word at an appropriate time, which causes hindrance in their ability to speak fluent English. Following are a few simple memorizing techniques that are helpful for people new to English.

Associate words with figures: There are many English words that people use in their day-to-day lives; however, apart from the 'common' ones, there is a horde of other words that one needs to know in order to communicate in the language. Remembering words after words can be a demanding task, and it is possible that you will not be able to remember every word that you learn. The trick here is to associate words with the objects that they represent. Like, when you are learning the word 'tiara', make a mental picture that it represents a crown worn by queens and princesses. This way, the next time you come across this word, you will know exactly what it means.

Relate adjectives to activities: The next time you go to a park and get busy enjoying the beauty of the flora and fauna, make sure to use fitting adjectives. So, when you want to say, "What a colorful flower!" Instead, say, "What a brightly colored flower this is!" This is the best exercise for learning and getting into a habit of using adjectives. Associate adjectives with things and verbs, and try to think of a new one every day. If one day you use beautiful, then use pretty the other day. Adjectives lend emotions and vibrancy to any word or sentence, hence, learn as many as you can.

Speak with emotions: Lending emotions to the words you are saying/ listening to helps in remembering them for a long time. For example, when you are asking a question, as it in an interrogative tone, or when you speak about something that surprises you, say it likewise. Using the words in the same tone that they imply helps in remembering the context in which they are used.

English learning, when done the right way, can be interesting and easy. The most sure-shot way of grasping the intricacies of this language is to enroll with an online English speaking course. With a professional and expert online English speaking course, English learning becomes engaging and simple!

Read 8606 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 07:41


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