The Pillars of English Speaking - eAge Tutor
Wednesday, 10 April 2013 13:05

The Pillars of English Speaking Featured

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How many times have you heard someone say a grammatically wrong sentence and cringed? How many times have you had the urge to correct someone's pronunciation?Listening_Reading_Speaking

The problem with people wishing to speak fluent English is that they want instant results. Developing the skill of English-speaking takes time and lots of practice, this is something that very few people understand.

When you are learning anything new, it is always a good idea to play by the rules. A toddler does not begin running straight away; he first crawls, stands, walks, falls, walks again, and then, runs. Similarly, when you are learning English, you need to go about it in a disciplined manner. There are a few rules by which you can master the Queen's language or speak it the American way!

There are three ways – the three pillars of English – through which you can not only improve your spoken English, but also do so with confidence!

The three pillars of English are:

• Reading

• Speaking

• Listening

It is only when you build on the three pillars that you can speak fluent and correct English. Even though, it sounds quite intimidating, learning English this way is fun and yields definite results!

As you embark on the path of learning English, remember one rule always – you will make mistakes over and over again, and that is perfectly okay. You will only learn from your mistakes, and that is the best lesson you can ever learn!

Now, with that lesson safely tucked away, let us discuss and learn how these three pillars work and how you should use them.

Reading: It is a proven fact that reading promotes brain development. Therefore, the next time you see an intelligent and smart looking person with a book, you will know how he got that air about him. The reason behind this is that reading is an active process, which engages the brain. When you are reading, the brain has to process a multiple things – grasp the context of the text you are reading, gauge the writer's thoughts/ emotions and draw a mental picture of what the writer is describing. The reason why reading qualifies as one of the pillars of English learning is because, when you read, you learn how certain words are used. In addition, you will be reading and grasping English in its correct structure. Reading enhances not just your vocabulary, but helps in improving grammar as well.

Speaking: When we say speaking, we are in no way implying that you start shooting every single word you know in English. When you are still in the nascent stage of English speaking, practice it with your close friends and family. It is only through regular speaking that you will achieve fluency and speed. At first, speak slowly – think what you want to say, process the words and form the sentences mentally before you utter them. Another great way of to practice speaking is to do so in front of a mirror. Select a topic and give a brief presentation on it. Watch how you speak, your facial movements, the way you pronounce certain words and pay attention to the mistakes you make. In the next sessions, pay extra attention on not repeating the same mistakes.

Listening: As important as it is to practice speaking, it is even more important to listen. When you listen to a person speaking English, pay attention to the kind of words they use, the tone of their voice, the speed of their speech, etc. You will not only pick up new words, but also learn a lot about using the right words at the right places.


English is learnt best when you have someone to guide you. There are numerous online spoken English courses available to help you understand the nuances of English. By selecting a good course, you can successfully improve your English.

Read 4522 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 07:45


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