How to Describe Your Country? - eAge Tutor
Wednesday, 05 June 2013 11:44

How to Describe Your Country? Featured

Written by  Monika Agarwal
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India FlagIt's always good to share an emotional connect and sentimental bond for one's country. After all, you live there to say the least! Imagine you happen to travel abroad for a short vacation. Getting into a new country, the travel, the culture, the people, it all sounds exhilarating. Similarly, when we have our friends and family who do not share the same nationality as we, as in, who do not belong to our country, describing an image about our country would be a fun conversation starter.

The rule is to speak in a language that the listener is comfortable with. Speak in English to be on a safer side as it is a universal language. Let's look at an example at how you can start a conversation!

Break the ice:


Sagar (Indian): "Hey Ralph! I've come to receive you as Dad had an urgent meeting to attend."

Ralph (Foreigner): "Hey Sagar. It's nice to finally meet you... Heard a lot about you from your dad!"

Sagar (Indian): "Well, what can I say? Hope you had a wonderful journey. And of course! Welcome to India!"

Ralph (Foreigner): "Thank you. Am so glad to finally get here but I'm a little lost as to where to start my tour of this beautiful country."

Sagar (Indian): "Hey! I heard this is your first visit to India; would you like me to assist you in any way? I know a lot about my country and would be proud to be of any help."

Ralph (Foreigner): "Yes, I do need some assistance as to which places to visit. Could you please help me out with the list of only the 'must- see' places in India?"

Sagar (Indian): "Sure. There are an astounding number of places that hold tourists' interest but I will give you a short list of the 'must- see' places in India. India is a country full of colors and cultures. We are proud to have a concoction of 'n' number of religions and yet stand as one at all times."

Ralph (Foreigner): "Oh yes! I have read a lot about India and its diverse culture. I would love to know more though. It is nice to know that I can finally just lay back and relax as I know that now I'm in safe hands. Thank you for being so helpful and kind Sagar."

Sagar (Indian): "My love for my country is immense and it's nothing but my pleasure to be of any help Ralph!"

Describe with enthusiasm and detailing

See, you have managed to strike a conversation. Moving on to the next step, when it comes to describing your country... Shy less! Read up enough and more about your country's history, memorize all the crucial dates, and focus on recent events. Having well narrated the history and the present, talk about the places that hold tourist attractions, being extremely meticulous, detailed, and protrude the passion you share for your country in your conversation.

Stick to the essence

India Temple 

Describing one's country should have an essence, an essence of belonging. It's not at all difficult once you get a grasp of the English language. To speak flawlessly in English, one does not need to go anywhere, enroll in our online English-speaking course and in no time you will know how to speak in English, as if it were your mother tongue. Well-spoken English will improve your communication skills and help you speak in English fluently without a hiccup. Happy learning!

About eAgeTutor: is the premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Read 7186 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 05:34


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