How to Ask for the Bill in a Restaurant? - eAge Tutor
Wednesday, 03 July 2013 10:17

How to Ask for the Bill in a Restaurant? Featured

Written by  Monika Agarwal
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Have you developed sufficient English speaking skills to impress a friend by placing an order in fluent English? Can you conduct an entire conversation with someone in well- spoken English? Can you request the waiter to bring your bill in flawless English?


The situation:

Visualize scoring a date with the girl you have always wanted to take out, even if it meant only one dinner date. So, you've managed to convince her for one dinner and you do not want anything to ruin this experience of yours. She is well- spoken and the restaurant you are taking her is five star. In such a situation, you do not have much of an option but to speak in English and that to fluent English.

Now what? Do you find yourself baffled? Well, you shouldn't. Wasting time over fretting is going to benefit you in no way. In fact, it will just eat away your time that you were otherwise supposed to spend making her feel special .

Starters to dessert in fluent English:


One, just one, distasteful dining experience can leave a bad taste in your mouth, so let's give you a few examples to help you successfully go through the entire dining process from starters to the dessert in fluent English.

1. Situation- While entering the restaurant.
"We'll like to have a table for two, please."

2. Situation- Waiter's asking you whether you'd want to opt for bottled or regular water.
"We'd like to have cold, mineral water."

3. Situation- While zeroing down on what to order.

"Can I have a Cosmopolitan and a Bloody Mary (cocktails) in the meanwhile..."

4. Situation- While placing the order, asking for recommendations.
"What do you recommend?" Or "What are your specialties?"

5. Situation- While leaving the restaurant.
"May we have the bill, please?" Or "Check please!"

Learn English:

Online English Tutor 

It is none other than you who can motivate yourself to learn and acquire English. Having absorbed all the basics of the language is not enough. Strive harder on gaining an expertise in speaking the language. English is a language that spreads all boundaries. The more you learn, the more it teaches you. The process of learning English can be made innovative and fun one by enrolling with the English speaking courses available online. These courses are beneficial for learning the basics as well as polishing your already acquired grasp over the English language.

About eAgeTutor: is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Read 9547 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 04:48


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