How to ask your child’s teacher for notes? - eAge Tutor
Friday, 16 August 2013 12:50

How to ask your child’s teacher for notes? Featured

Written by  Monika Agarwal
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As the course of an academic year, most schools have the parents of the children come over for a frequent parent- teacher meet. Meetings like these are scheduled with the motive of discussing your child's performance and the behavior he/ she has in school. However, attending meetings like these are bound to require you to speak in fluent English and maintain a good flow of communication. So, if you're among those who dislike attending the parent- teacher meetings at your child's school due to the English language being one of your major concerns, fret not!

Ask for notes

Read on and pick up some of the vital tips that would bring about an incredible change and give you a confidence boost by improving your English communication skills.

The fluency guide:

While attempting and making an effort towards improving your spoken English skills:

• Make sure you don't lay heavy emphasis on learning grammar too much. Concentrate on learning and understanding the words you're not too familiar with, understand the construction of sentences and try to learn English without studying the grammar. Attempting to learn the grammar will only slow you down and confuse you.

• One of the most common mistakes that are made by numerous English-speaking learners is that they mug up English words that are difficult and then try to form sentences. Instead, learn and study the phrases and you will automatically begin to grasp the words.

• Don't be a bookworm. Reading and listening isn't enough! Make sure to read, listen and practice to speak. It is crucial that one understands the importance of practical knowledge over theoretical because, in English speaking, ultimately your practical knowledge is what will count.

• Ensure you're referring to the right study material. If the fundamentals of the language you're learning are incorrect, then your entire learning experience and efforts can go for a complete toss and result in mere failure.

• Submerse yourself in the depth of the language and make your earnest effort to acquire a hold over the same. Make minute alterations in your regular schedule by making it a rule to speak in English when you are around your family and friends. You could have them get involved as well, if they seem interested and wish to support your undertaking!

Let's take a look at a situation that should break down the entire basics of how to approach your child's teacher with request for some of the notes that are missing on account of her illness and absence in school.

Conversational Example:

Situation is held in the staffroom.

staffroom conversation 

Kim (Mother): Excuse me, May I come in?

Sheryl (Teacher): Yes. Please come in.

Kim: Good morning! My name is Kim and I am Kimberly's mother.

Sheryl: Of course, Kimberly. I am Sheryl, Kimberly's class teacher. Yes, tell me, how may I help you?

Kim: Ma'am Kimberly is down with the flu and hasn't been attending school for three days now, I got a little concerned about her notes being incomplete. Her doctor has asked her to resume school only from Monday and that would make her miss out on a lot of notes. All I wanted is the notebooks of a child that you recommend for one day and I will make sure he/ she gets it back tomorrow.

Down with flu

Sheryl: Sure. You should take notes from Surya Kumar, a bright child with good handwriting .

Kim: Thank you so much, Sheryl, for your support.

Sheryl: No problem and ask Kimberly to take rest and come back fit and fine on Monday.

Kim: Certainly!

A simple conversation like this should be a cakewalk if you've practiced sufficiently. The driving factor should be your passion and desire to adapt to a new language. However, always remember to "keep it simple" and uncomplicated!

About eAgeTutor: is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.

- By Monika Agarwal

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Read 11027 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 September 2013 06:51


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