How to conduct an HR interview effectively? - eAge Tutor
Friday, 04 October 2013 13:08

How to conduct an HR interview effectively?

Written by  Monika Agarwal
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As an HR executive one of your key responsibilities, include conducting interviews of potential employees. Selecting the right candidate can be a daunting. As an interviewer, you need to focus on how you can effectively conduct the interview using powerful tools.

There are a wide range of situations that might require you to make use of your in depth interview techniques. You should be aware of the fact that conducting an effective interview is a skill that is not known to many. Adapt the below mentioned techniques and take the first step on the path of becoming an expert at interviewing candidates and gauging people's personality.

1. Dress professionally:

Irrespective of the fact whether you're a male or a female, understand that you need to dress formally while conducting an interview. Dressing in a casual or semi- formal manner reflects negatively on the candidate. In addition, the seriousness or importance of the interview goes for a toss, especially when the interviewer dresses casually.

2. Be friendly, but professional:

You are the one who leads the interview in the direction that is apt to understand the candidate well enough. Be friendly, making the rather nervous candidate comfortable yet know where to draw the line. The language you use should be fluent English and avoid using any other language throughout as well.

3. Know your candidate well:

The resume of the candidate has certainly reached you before the scheduled interview. Make sure to have gone through the resume to be familiar with the candidate even before the actual interview. Jot down pointers that hold your concern and make sure to clear them at the time of the face- to- face interview.

4. Be direct:

During the  course of an interview try to be as straightforward as possible. Provide the candidate with all the required information about the job profile and responsibilities he/ she would have to carry out, if managed to secure the job. Also, in terms of the salary, make sure to be clear in mentioning the position, experience and qualification of the candidate. While having a serious discussion like this, be sure to keep the English language simple and precise.

5. Don't over extend the interview:

A short and effective interview is what you should aim for. Conducting a stretched interview is not required. Talk to the point about what matters, omitting everything else. You could also work towards keeping small talk away and concentrating on a productive and meaningful conversation.

The guidelines provided above should do wonders to your interview pattern, if followed completely. It is also necessary for you to keep your English communication skills at its best to encourage the candidate to do so. Always, keep in mind that English language could get a little tricky, so keep a tab on all that you speak. Focus on using English as a powerful tool in scoring the right employee for your organization. All the best!

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- By Monika Agarwal

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Read 3034 times Last modified on Friday, 27 December 2013 07:51


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