How to Improve Pronunciation?
What is pronunciation:
Pronunciation is the way a word is pronounced. Correct pronunciation is an indispensible part of speaking correct English. In other words, it can be said that pronunciation is the correct use of rhythm, intonation of a word. If you cannot pronounce a word correctly and if your pronunciation is wrong, then the other person might not be able to understand what you are trying to say. Hence correct pronunciation is necessary for speaking correct English.

How to Improve Pronunciation ?
Steps on how to improve pronunciation
Here are some tips on how to improve pronunciation:
Tips |
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About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit
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How to improve English Pronunciation and English Speaking?
English Pronunciation and its importance:
The official language of our country is English. Everyone wants to speak fluently in English and for that correct pronunciation of English words is very necessary. Pronunciation is the way in which we say a word. It should be remembered that in English we do not always pronounce the word the same way we write it. If we know how to pronounce a word then it would be easier for us to talk in English. Pronouncing the correct word is very much essential because without correct articulation English language cannot be spoken fluently.
Pronunciation of the alphabets:
Pronouncing the Alphabet
There are 26 alphabets in English. It is very important to know the pronunciation of these alphabets. Also it should be kept in mind that letters of alphabet do not always represent the same sounds of English. They are not pronounced as they are written.
Some rules of English pronunciation are as follows:
For example: Cyclone. The letter C is followed by y. So it sounds like a S and the second C sounds like a K |
For example: Gymnastic. G is followed by y, so it sounds like a J. |
For example: Goose, Gooseberry. |
For example: Wonderful |
Word Stress in English
Word Stress
We don’t say each syllable with the same force in English. Some syllables are pronounced very loudly and others are spoken softly. The syllables that are not stressed are weak and the syllables that are stressed are big.
1 |
The last letter b is stressed |
2 |
The first syllable is stressed |
2 |
The second syllable is stressed |
3 |
The first syllable is stressed. |
English Speaking and pronunciation
English Speaking
For speaking any language correctly and fluently you should know how to pronounce the words correctly. If you want to learn how to speak English fluently, you can join an online spoken English course. The spoken English tutors will teach you how to pronounce words correctly. You can take help from online spoken English classes to learn English pronunciation. You can also learn pronunciation by active listening. Listen to television, radio, audio, movies and notice how people pronounce words. You can also check pronunciation of words in a dictionary. Also pronunciation can be improved by reading. If you come across any unknown word, try to check out the pronunciation of that word.
Want to know more about “how to improve English pronunciation and English Speaking?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!
About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit
Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.
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How to learn English through listening?
What is listening?:
The dictionary meaning of listening is “to give attention with the ear” or “to attend closely for the purpose of hearing.” Listening plays a very important role in improving our spoken English skills.
We listen with the help of our ears. Our brain converts that sound into a meaningful message. For effective listening, focus and attention is required. Some people are there who cannot concentrate when others speak and thus they are considered as poor listeners. Effective listening not only helps you understand what others are speaking but it also helps you give correct reply. It also helps you become a good speaker.
Importance of Listening: Why is Listening important?
Listening is of immense importance. Toddlers grow up by listening to adults. That’s how they learn how to speak a language. If you want to improve your communication skills and become fluent in English language, you should improve your listening skills first. While you listen to others it gives you an idea about pronunciation of words, use of intonation, correct usage of words etc.
What is active and passive listening?
Passive listening is a kind of listening in which the speaker is allowed to speak without any kind of interruption or reaction from the listener while Active listening is a kind of listening in which you react or do something that shows that you are listening to the speaker. Sometimes ( non verbal cues) such as nodding the head, or making different facial expressions are also used by the listener in order to make the speaker understand that he is paying attention. In order to improve your fluency in English, active listening is required. Active listening will help you improve your listening skills as well.
How to learn English through listening?:
Listening can be used as an effective tool to learn English language. There are many ways through which one can learn English. Newscasts also known as bulletins are broadcasted on television every day.
Different Ways of Learning English through Listening
A person who wants to learn English can listen to news programs that are broadcasted on television and develop his/her listening skills. Listening to newscasts on radio can also help a person improve his/her listening skills and learn the language. A person can also learn English by joining the spoken English classes. The spoken English classes are conducted online. The spoken English classes are conducted by accomplished, experienced and efficient spoken English tutors who can help people improve their pronunciation, diction and fluency. The spoken English teachers will help you improve your listening skills through different kinds of activities. Along with listening skill your fluency will also improve. Another good habit is watching English movies. Watching English movies help you develop your listening skill. Good listening skill can help you improve your fluency in the long run.
Want to know more “English through Listening” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!
About eAge tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit
Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.
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How to participate in a Group Discussion
What is a Group Discussion?:
Group Discussion plays a major role in selecting the final candidate in any interview. It is a method used for testing the potential and the behavioral aspects of the candidates. It is also a method used to test the fluency of the candidate. As the name suggests, it’s a group activity and it is carried out by the individuals who participate in the activity. It is an activity in which the participants exchange their views on a particular topic. It is regarded as one of the best tools to assess the potential of the candidates who participate in this activity.
What are the requirements to participate in a group discussion?
Here are some of the tips for participating in a group discussion.
Get Ready: If the topic of the discussion is known
to you from before, then you can prepare yourself in advance. First of all you have to decide which position you want to take. After that, try to collect information about it. Try to do a vocabulary research so that you can use different kinds of words while talking about it. Make a list of the new words and also practice their pronunciation.
Listen Carefully: Listening is very important in any discussion. So you should try to listen to others very carefully.
Fluency: If you want to participate in a group discussion, you should have excellent spoken English skills. You should be able to talk very fluently in English. In a group discussion you are required to speak on a topic and that is why you should have good communication skills.
Good Pronunciation: you should speak clearly and
confidently. Good pronunciation is essential when you
participate in a group discussion. As others will be listening to you, so you should speak very clearly without any hesitation.
Importance of Spoken English in Group Discussion
You have to be very fluent in English if you want to participate in a Group Discussion. In any group discussion you are required to speak continuously on a topic, so good communication skill is a necessity. The speech should be without grammatical errors. Use of correct vocabulary will be an added advantage. Group discussions are also conducted to test your fluency, pronunciation and communication skills. Listening is another important aspect of a group discussion. In any group discussion you are required to listen to others. If your listening skills are poor, then you won’t be able to concentrate. Effective listening will help you respond to others in a better way.
Importance of Spoken English Courses
Nowadays many companies prefer to use group discussion for the final selection of candidates. Also it is a means to check your oral communication skills. One can join a Spoken English Course to improve his/her speaking skills. Nowadays, many spoken English courses are conducted online. The spoken English tutors are very efficient and experienced. You can join the spoken English course and thus help yourself improve your fluency and pronunciation. Different group activities like group discussions, role plays, debates are used in a spoken English class to improve fluency.
Want to know more about "how to participate in a group discussion?" Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!
About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit
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