How to Raise Concern in Parent Teacher Meeting As a Parent? - eAge Tutor
Thursday, 23 August 2012 05:15

How to Raise Concern in Parent Teacher Meeting As a Parent?

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What is a Parent Teacher Meeting:untitled-2hw-to-raise-concern_img_1

A parent teacher meeting is a short meeting where the teachers and parents meet to discuss about a child’s progress at school. A parent teacher meeting is usually scheduled in order to keep the parents informed about the academic progress or problems of the students. This meeting proves to be very beneficial as both parents get a chance to meet the teachers and also to know about their child’s progress. If there is any concern, that can also be discussed and solutions can be found out.


untitled-2hw-to-raise-concern_img_2Role of a Parent in a Parent Teacher Meeting:

Role of a parent in a meeting

It is very important for a parent to participate in a parent teacher meeting regularly. Such meetings are of immense importance and should not be missed by parents. Sometimes the parents are not sure about the performance of their child at school, or do not have any idea about child’s progress, in that case a parent should listen to the teacher very patiently and carefully. The parents should not interrupt the tutor and should let her speak. The parents should attend this meeting with open mind and should ask plenty of questions if required. But first he needs to listen to what the teacher has to say. He can ask questions or raise his concerns whenever his turn comes. The parents should also participate very actively. It can be very beneficial for parents if they are interactive and active during the meeting. Attitude of a parent should be positive and the parent should not waste time in casual talks. Try to discuss all the important things about your child as the time is limited. Also try to remain impartial and do not defend your child or speak in his favor.


How to Raise a Concern in a Parent Teacher Meeting As a Parent

untitled-2hw-to-raise-concern_img_3How to Raise a Concern in a Parent Teacher Meeting

When you participate in a parent teacher meeting, you may have many questions or concerns in your mind. Prior to a parent teacher meeting, a parent needs to prepare a list of questions that they want to ask the teacher. The questions can be related to child’s progress, grades, or behavior at school. While you participate in a meeting, you need to listen to the teacher first and try to understand what the teacher has to say. You need to be a very active listener and a speaker too. You should not only listen to the teacher but also ask her questions, or raise concern and wait for the response of the teacher. You need to speak very fluently in English and should not fumble or hesitate while speaking. If you hesitate the teacher may not give you importance as a parent and may not answer your questions properly. Lack of confidence and poor communication skills will not let you share your concerns with the teacher. So you need to be fluent in English and talk very smartly if you want to participate in a parent teacher meeting.


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