Situational Conversation (26)
New Year is one of the best and most exciting time of the year. Thanks to the ringing of bells, honking of horns, buzzing cheer of people, echoing music from houses and restaurants. Everything just comes alive in New Year. So, when someone asks you as to how you celebrated New Year's Day last year or which is the best New Year party you've ever experienced, how should you describe it in fluent English?
Well, fret not! The fun you have in a party can't exactly be put into words; however, you could play with the words well enough to make the experience sound exhilarating and thrilling. This is an article that will teach you how to describe your best New Year party experience in simple English.
The art of describing your best New Year party :
Situation- You're at a social event and amidst the conversation, someone happens to ask you about the most unique and evergreen New Year party you've ever been a part of. How would you describe it, keeping your English communication skills seamless and perfect?
Example- The best ever New Year party I've attended was at my friend's patio (terrace) last year. It was a grand celebration with expensive brews from all over the world. The place was lit up with yellow streams of lights running parallel to the boundary wall and the swimming pool had little floating candles spread across its widest diameter. The set up looked fascinating and majestic! There were amazing games organized that kept all of us well-occupied until midnight and right when the clock was about to strike 12, we released sky lanterns followed by a firework display. The aura created by the well-lit place, the floating candles, the mouth-watering aromas of various delicacies, the feet thumping party music and the releasing of the sky lanterns will always be imprinted on my mind as the most memorable New Year party of my life!
There you have it! A simple yet clear description of your favorite New Year party of all time. By using great adjectives and setting your tone right, you can recreate the entire experience for those who want to know. It is important for you to be realistic and not be carried away in your description.
Five Quick Tips:
1. When speaking about your best New Year party ever, make sure to be descriptive but not too detailed. Too much detailing could make your description boring and long.
2. Highlight the unique aspects of the party, making it sound interesting and stimulating.
3. Keep your spoken English skills at its best, as stumbling and stammering will make your description sound unpolished and uninteresting.
4. Remember, conversing in the English language requires you pay heed to the fact that what you speak should sound right!
5. You could also enroll in an English-speaking course online to maintain an underlying English speaking fluency..
Get your intonation right and enjoy reliving those moments while describing the experience to your friends and family!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English tutoring provider. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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How to describe your best Christmas experience?
Written by Monika AgarwalYou are enjoying your thanksgiving dinner with your family in Thailand and the topic turns to previous Christmas experience. How will you go about describing your experience in a fun way? You should tell your memorable experiences in a way where your listeners will be captivated and feel like being in the moment. Sharing your joyful experience is a good way to practice your English speaking skills. Your loved ones will be impressed by your grasp of the language.
Things to remember When describing your Christmas experience
1. Tell Your Experience in a Story Form
Tell your experience as a story. This will catch the attention of your listeners and keep them captivated. Narrating your experience in a story format will allow you to recollect your experience and relive those memories accurately again.
2. Show photographs
Today, mobile technology gives you the ability to treasure your precious photographs for instant reliving. You can show those images to your listeners so that they can know what it was like. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words. However, share those images where you look smart and not stupid.
3. Let them know you are having fun
Describe your experience in such a way where they know you had fun at the event. You can use words like "It was a great time", "I had so much fun" etc. Bland descriptions are boring and your listeners will lose interest soon. Keep them engrossed in your experience as much as possible.
Sample conversation for describing your best Christmas experience
Situation: At your family's thanksgiving dinner party.....
Ramesh: Hey guys, we still have a lot of time for the dinner. Let's pass the time by sharing our best Christmas experiences. The best one gets a large turkey share.
Rohan: That's a great idea. Who will go first?
Rajat: I will go first. My best Christmas experience was undoubtedly the one that I had last year. My company had organized a Christmas dinner party on 23rd December. Man, what a blast we had! We had drinks, plum cakes, games and delicious dinner menu. The decorations were fabulous and everyone thoroughly enjoyed a lot. It was truly a great experience.
Rohan: What's special about that? Everyone does it!
Rajat: Wait. I saved the best part for the last. We played Christmas Santa last year and guess what I got? A Prada leather wallet! Can you guys believe it?
Ramesh: What? A Prada in secret Santa? Impossible!
Rajat: Prepare to be amazed! Here is the proof!
Rohan: Well I am stunned! You are a lucky guy.
Rajat: That's not all. We even got Christmas goodies including hats and free vouchers!
Ramesh: Well, that's an amazing experience! We have a strong contender for the large turkey share here!
The above sample shows how to share your Christmas experience in a great manner. Your conversational skills should be at its best to capture the attention of the audience. Improve your spoken English skills with the help of free online English articles or with an online English teacher. Practice daily by compulsorily talking to your social network in English only. Merry Christmas!
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor,please visit www.eagetutor.com.
Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.
- By Monika Agarwal
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How to talk to people at the grocery store?
Written by Monika AgarwalGrocery shopping tends to be a lonely affair in itself. However, what could get it even worse is when you're in another country altogether. You scout through labels, brands and products but yet feel lost. The best way of getting yourself out of this situation would be asking for help and the best way to do that is to speak in basic English. You need to work towards developing your English communication skills beforehand itself, as it is a universal language and very useful when you stay in foreign countries.
Here is an article in simple English that should clear all your inhibitions about taking up a light conversation with a stranger to ask for help in buying your ration.
Your company has sent you to North Carolina, U.S., for a two-year project. You're in the new country and it's your first grocery shopping experience. Things take a toll for the worse as you seem to be a little lost and don't really understand the products and brands.
Sample Conversation in a Grocery Store:
You: Hey! Could you please help me out a bit? Actually, all this is a little new for me.
Tim: Sure, Sure. What can I help you out with?
You: I have a brief list at hand, but the brands are all unknown to me. I wanted to pick a pack of string cheese and wanted to know which brand is the best?
Tim: Well, I reckon you opt for Kraft dairy products. That's what I've seemed to learn from my wife.
You: Ha-ha! Wives and their specifications. By the way, I'm Raj from India.
Tim: I'm Tim. I have to mention this that I love India; have visited that country twice for work purpose. I must mention I'm mesmerized by the culture and the warm people.
You: Yes, I'm glad you had a great time in my country. I'm here on a work project as well.
Tim: Great! Nice to know. By the way, aren't we forgetting something your wife sent you here for?
You: Yes. Yes. My list.
Tim: Yeah. What else are you looking for? Just string cheese?
You: No no! I completely forgot the purpose of walking in here. My wife would have booted me out of the house if I would go back home empty handed. Ha-ha! So, the list reads spaghetti. Where would I find spaghetti please?
Tim: Walk down this aisle and on the extreme right you will notice a rack full of it. Pull out a pack, lucky for you... this grocery sells only one brand, which is the best.
You: Oh! Thank God. Just help me out with two more things if you don't mind, after which I'm good to go.
Tim: Sure. I'm happy to help!
You: Thanks. I wanted some vegetables and fruits. Where would I find them?
Tim: That's right near the billing counter. Come let me guide you there. Anyway I'm done with the shopping; you could pick and choose while I clear my bill.
You: Perfect. I'm so glad to have met you Tim or I would be running in circles around this huge store looking for stuff.
Tim: You're welcome Raj! And now that we're done buying grocery for our wives, do you mind grabbing a quick beer?
You: Yes yes! Would love to...
As you can notice in the conversation above, your interaction should be light and friendly rather than selfish and needy. Make sure to be comfortable while speaking in English as your comfort while talking in the English language will ignite a friendly touch making both the parties comfortable. Kiss adieu to all your embarrassments and embrace fluent English by practicing more, reading more and acquiring more.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is the premier online English learning provider. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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How to talk about a teacher you like very much?
Written by Monika AgarwalYou are discussing your school life with your relatives when your aunt, who is also a teacher, happens to ask you about your favorite teacher. With fluent English speaking skills, you can describe your favorite teacher in detail. Your loved ones will be amazed with your strong command over spoken English. While describing the adorable traits of your teacher, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Things to remember:
1. Keep it brief
There may be many traits that make your teacher stand apart from others. However, your listeners are not in for a discourse, they just want to hear why you like that particular teacher. So just focus on what is that unique thing which no other professor gives you. It may be that she considers you as a favorite or she is very helpful in your weak subjects.
2. Provide examples
Your description will be more effective if you can provide instances where she has helped you a lot, which has made a difference in your studies. Recollect incidences where her assistance was invaluable to you. It will give credence to your claim of why that particular teacher is your true favorite.
Sample Conversation:
Situation: Your aunt visits you and while conversing about your studies asks who your favorite teacher is.
Aunt: So Rajat, How are your studies going on?
You: It's going great, Aunty?
Aunt: Tell me, who is your favourite teacher?
You: Ms. Aruna Jaiswal is my favourite teacher. She is our Science professor.
Aunt: Why is she your favourite?
You: She is helpful, caring and is always ready with a listening ear to our problems.
And: But isn't all your teachers like that?
You: Yes, they are. But she is different from others.
Aunt: In what sense? Why is she unique?
You: She is a great problem solver. Any doubts will be instantly clarified no matter what the situation is. She never scolds for asking even a silly question nor gives any excuses. For her, all students are the same no matter how studious or weak.
Aunt: That is very nice. Can you provide any instances?
You: Sure. Once, I had my exams and there was this doubt which was nagging me. It was a very important concept and the exams were next day. I was very nervous about approaching her just before the exams, but she did not shout at me. Instead, she gladly helped me out.
Aunt: That is a very nice thing to do. No wonder she is your favorite teacher.
The above sample shows how you can go about describing your favourite teacher to others. Short description highlighting the traits is enough to get the message across. Utilize your effective English speaking skills to give your favourite teacher's description full justice. You can improve your conversational skills by practicing with the help of an online English tutor and also with a friend. Daily practice is very important for maintaining your strong command over the English language. Dazzle your loved ones with your captivating English speaking skills.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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How to express your happiness while receiving a certificate?
Written by Monika AgarwalIt is a very satisfying and cheerful experience to receive a certificate, award or scholarship. If you've received an acknowledgement in the form of a certificate, it certainly means that you've done a whole bunch of things right. Whether it's your grades, extracurricular activities, sports, etc. Receiving recognition for your efforts is definitely a 'feel good' emotion; nevertheless, make sure to practice your spoken English skills beforehand. While you are excited and thankful beyond bounds, it could put you through a challenging situation to figure out what to say while accepting the recognition.
It is very important for you to receive a certificate graciously and express your acknowledgement in fluent English. This process requires some amount of thought and preparation. Let's take a look at some of the critical points that you need to pay heed to:
1. Start your speech with a 'Thank you': You need to be grateful about the fact that your efforts have been acknowledged and therefore make it a point to be grateful. You could start your speech by thanking all those who have nominated or recommended you to receive the honor.
Example: "I would like to begin by extending a thank you to all my dear teachers who have considered me to be worthy of this acknowledgement. Without them, I would not have been able to achieve what I have been awarded for today."
2. Mention the name of the award: Doing so will display the fact that you feel extremely honoured and humbled to be receiving a crucial certification from XYZ. You could also mention that you wish to thank the award giving company for dedicating their time and effort in coming and attending the function, you're being felicitated in.
Example: "Moving on, I would like to thank 'Children's Association of India' for taking out some time from their extremely busy schedule for attending and handing the certificate to me."
3. Talk about your feelings: Everyone would expect you to say a maximum two lines about how you feel and how much this award means to you. Meeting their demands extends a few words about the sense of gratitude you're going through.
Example: "I can't really express how much this certificate means to me. This acknowledgement is something that I will cherish throughout my life and would always look upon in those times when I feel low."
4. Say something inspirational: You already might have an individual, a hero that you idolize. You could use a motivational and inspirational quote from his/ her collection or you could do some homework and put forth your thoughts on how you feel after receiving the honor.
Example: "The canvas painted by me due to which I have been blessed with this award signifies the importance of giving women an equal status in society. Not because that's what everyone is demanding but because they completely deserve."
5. Thank those who have helped you: There are a handful of people that are partly responsible for your success. Hence, on achieving the success, it is extremely vital for you to thank all those rather than hogging the limelight all by yourself.
Example: "At this moment, I also want to take this opportunity to thank my parents and grandparents who inspired the entire artwork created on the canvas. I have just been the source of what my family believed in. Thank you Mama and Papa."
If you're someone who is about to receive an award, make sure to go through this article thoroughly. It is extremely crucial for you to keep your English communication skills at its best as you will be the center of attention. Last but not the least, be sure to attain a strong confidence in the English language as you could be asked a few questions while you're on stage.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve english in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our online English tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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Talking about life events - Summer vacations
Written by Monika AgarwalThe summer vacation is the ideal time to spend with your family and friends. It can be a really exciting time, a time packed with fun and frolic. You may plan about it months in advance or just be spontaneous and head to a random place. Alternatively, you could enroll for productive activities, such as music classes, art and craft workshops, etc., to spend some productive yet enjoyable time with your friends.
These times are extremely memorable and hence as a custom when your school begins, you are asked to talk about how you spent your summer vacations. Are you prepared to speak up in front of the whole class?
How to speak in front of the class?
A popular activity to develop strong English communication skill would be by writing down all your memories of the summer vacation. This will act as a guide when you describe your holidays in front of the class. An extensive speech wouldn't require you to give out extensive details of your travel or formal activities. Your talk should simply give the reader an idea of what all you did throughout your summer months. Make sure to keep your spoken English skills at its ace best and beforehand begin by organizing all your thoughts and plan out the order in which you will be speaking.
Step 1: In your mind, collect each and every activity that you've been a part of. This will help you not miss out on anything important.
Step 2: If time permits, discuss it along with your parents and brainstorm over some of the special moments you've spent together. Essence plays a very important role in talking about your experiences.
Step 3: Make sure that every sentence you speak is in fluent English. It is important for you to get well-acquainted with the English language before hitting the stage.
Step 4: Try and concentrate on only those moments that you really enjoyed keeping the few negative moments at bay.
Step 5: You could also stand out from the other students by including a few words of appreciation towards your parents and friends, who made your holiday time special and extravagant.
A sample that should give you a fair idea on how to talk about your summer vacations:
"I really enjoyed my summer vacations to the fullest. This year I had gone out for a vacation with my entire family to Goa. It was a time full of relaxation and loads of fun. We stayed at an amazing resort that had a pool right adjacent to our room. This ensured we had a gala time as most of us share the love of water. The food was delectable and lip smacking. We often visited the beach and took active participation in all the water sports and beach activities. The banana ride was my personal favorite! It was an incredible time I enjoyed out there with my incredible family. The most memorable moment would be when we had a barbeque night. The aroma of food in the air has been just unbelievable. Overall, it was one of the best trips planned with my family. And last but not the least; I would also like to thank my grandparents for making it to this trip in spite of their ill-health."
Whatever experience you share with your friends and family should be treasured and kept close to your heart. In your speech, it should be evident that you have had an amazing time and hence, try to ensure you make no mistakes in your spoken English skills while conversing.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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How to ask for directions and find your way in a foreign country?
Written by Monika AgarwalThe process of migration could be extremely stressful. The packing, the shifting, the immigration process, the new job, etc., all of which could put you through some rough times. However, after the hectic transferring, you may feel relieved and all enthusiastic to start your new life in a new place. Shifting between countries can put intense pressure on you and your family; hence, it would sound ideal to go on a brief break before resuming your work.
Preparing for your well-deserved, fun-filled day with family and friends could be exciting especially if you've never traveled to a foreign country before. Taking a trip nationally (in your own country) seems at ease as there is nothing to really worry about including the language barrier, the culture, etc. You as a citizen of the same country are well-acquainted with every bit. On the other hand, making plans for a short trip in an unknown country could need a little more responsibility and research to state the least.
The experience is overwhelming:
The landscape is different, the culture is dissimilar, the basic spoken language differs, etc. Even so, you can easily make your trip worthwhile and in the course get acquainted with a few rules, as this is the place you've decided to stay for sometime. At such times, you've got to make sure your English communication skills are in place, as maximum countries throughout the world understand and converse quite fluently in the English language.
The overwhelming experience of sightseeing, walking down new streets, meeting and greeting people with different backgrounds and ethnicity could be fun, but what when you've lost your way? Of course, you've got handy a local map to help you reach your desired destination, however, what when the map lets you down as well? How would you ask a foreigner to help you out with directions to a particular place on your itinerary with fluent English?
The below-mentioned samples should teach you exactly what you need to know:
Your family and you've reached Amsterdam on Friday. With a basket of cookies your neighbor comes by welcoming you to the vicinity. In a conversation he happens to mention a light festival taking place on the coming Sunday. You decide to buy four passes online and surprise your family by taking them to see something jaw dropping. The light festival is being held on the evening cruise at Amstel River. You're running late and get a little panicky about the time.
Asking the way:
You: "Hi, Could you please help me out with how to get to Amstel River?"
Localite: "It's a 20 minute drive from here. Hire a cab from the cab stand ahead and you're good to go."
You: "Great! But, we guys are running a little late for the light festival, we might miss our cruise... What is the quickest way of getting there according to you?"
Localite: "I would still reckon the cab, as the subway is at least 15 minutes from here and then the train journey would take you a minimum of another seven minutes to be precise."
You: "Thank you so much! One last question. Could you tell me where exactly are we right now?"
Localite: "Sure. You are at 'The Munt square'. Is this your first visit to Amsterdam?"
You: "Yes. That's evident, isn't it! (In a friendly manner). Well, thank you so much pal! You've been a great help indeed."
Localite: "No worries! It's all good bro. Have a great vacation here and I must tell you the light festival is an experience of a lifetime! Take care."
Exploring a city in a true backpacker style is extremely fun and rustic! Take the change of country in your stride and make your experience touch new heights.
A final tip:
Be sure to work on and polish your spoken English skills to ensure an ease in communication irrespective of which country you visit.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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How to place an order in a fast food restaurant?
Written by Monika AgarwalRemember the scene from the famous Bollywood movie 'English Vinglish' where Shashi (Shridevi) enters a fast food café abroad to grab a meal but fails to communicate with the waitress. This disturbs her immensely as the waitress could not understand what she wished to order and hence in a fit of fear Sashi starts crying and leaves the café without any food. This is an incident that could occur to anyone who isn't too sure about their English communication skills. However, you could prevent yourself from getting into such a situation by honing and mastering your spoken English skills to the optimum.
Living abroad comes with a handful of language barriers that include the not-so-acquainted with accent, certain terms that are unknown to you, the tone of voice being used, and many more. Nevertheless, you have the scope to learn English fluency and gradually adapt to the traits foreigners make use of while conversing without much hesitancy. This article will focus on teaching you how to place an order at a fast food joint in Basic English.
Let's take a look at an example that should simplify the process for you completely.
You're in the U.S. on a family vacation and you have decided to catch up with one of your childhood friends who had shifted base to the U.S. years ago. She has asked you to wait at Madison Square and would meet you there at six in the evening. In the excitement, you left your house in a jiffy and turned up an hour before time. All of a sudden you see this eatery called 'Big Burger' and decide to grab a bite to while away time. Here's a guide on how to place your order?
Tips to place an order efficiently in a fast food restaurant:
Waitress: Welcome to Big Burger. May I take your order?
Rohan: Yes please! I would like a chicken burger and some fries.
Waitress: Burger with cheese or without cheese?
Rohan: Ah! Without.
Waitress: Sure Sir. Would you like anything to drink or is that all?"
Rohan: Ughh... Yes. A coffee, please.
Waitress: Sure. An Americano, a Cappuccino or a Latte? What would you prefer?
Rohan: Well... I would like to go in for a Cappuccino.
Waitress: Small or medium?
Rohan: A small works with me.
Waitress: Sir, so, that's your final order, is it?
Rohan: Yes.
Waitress: Sir, allow me to confirm your order. So that's one cheeseburger, medium fries and a small Coke. For here or to go?
Rohan: For here.
Waitress: Alright, so that's $5.83.
Rohan: Here you go.
Waitress: Thank you and here's your four dollars and seven cents in change. Enjoy your meal and have a great day.
Rohan: Thank you, wish you the same.
Always remember that when you find yourself in a situation as such and do not know what to say, calm down and breathe. Understand the fact that you are not committing a lethal crime, so do not panic. Instead, be confident and ask for help from the waitress or the people around (whoever you prefer). Smile and exude positivity, this will certainly draw people to help you out of the situation with dignity and respect.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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2. Why do We Need to Learn English?
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How to navigate and buy essentials in a supermarket in a foreign country?
Written by Monika AgarwalYou are on your first shopping trip in New South Wales, Australia, and you plan to visit the Safeway supermarket store. The shopping experience at your home country was fun, but the new setting and location is making you nervous. You are not very familiar with the English accent that is used by the local people and this is making you even more worried about how to communicate. You want your first shopping experience to be great without any hassles. Fret not, enjoy and make the outing a fun filled experience by sticking to a fluent use of basic English.
Supermarkets in foreign countries especially in western ones are very organized and user friendly. They have lots of goodies and essential items, which are organized in a proper manner, section-wise. Shopping through them should be a breeze and very easy. Follow the below tips to navigate and buy essentials in a supermarket in a foreign country.
1. Follow the signs
Supermarkets abroad are clearly demarcated and marked. Every section has signs that show which articles are stored where. The fresh produce section, housing fresh vegetables and fruits, is clearly labeled and highlighted. It's the similar case with other categories also. Drink sections and essential items are similarly marked and written in signs. Use your English vocabulary skills to identify the items clearly.
2. Ask for assistance
It is perfectly okay to ask for help from store assistants. They are there to guide you. Ask them specific questions and they will give you accurate answers. Your English speaking skills should be very strong and fluent. In case you don't understand them because of their accent, ask them to slow down politely. In case the store assistants are busy, you can turn to other customers. People who are regular to the supermarket will know where the sections are located. In case someone asks you for directions and you don't know, politely answer them.
1. 'Can you tell me where the washroom accessories are located?'
2. 'Can you guide me to the dairy products section?'
3. 'I am sorry but I cannot understand you. Can you go a little slow please?'
4. 'I am sorry, I don't know which section it is."
3. Product details
Although almost all the products will have product information listed on them, there are cases where in house products will have less information on their packaging. In such instances, ask for clarification from the store assistants. You can ask questions in proper English like:
1. 'Is this milk freshly packaged?'
2. 'When was this spinach procured?'
4. Payment details
After doing all the shopping, it's time for payment. In foreign countries, most purchase and payment are done by credit cards. In case of doubt, you can ask the cashier what options are available. They will gladly assist you. You can ask them in the following manner:
1. 'Do you take credit card?'
2.'Is paying by cash okay?'
Take note of the above four tips to take advantage of the great amenities available in a foreign supermarket. Let your experience be a breeze. Communicate with individuals inside the supermarket for assistance in fluent English in case of any clarifications. You can also take the help of an online English teacher for further English speaking improvement.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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How to talk about local customs and folklore?
Written by Monika AgarwalYou are excited about taking your tourist group to exotic locations and want to be their perfect guide. Tourists travel around the world to know about other customs, folklore apart from their native countries. Custom and folklore originate over centuries and are a defining aspect of any location. When you go about explaining the local customs and folklore, create captivating stories in English. The audience will appreciate your English command and knowledge.
Things to keep in mind:
1. Create mystery
Tourists love mysterious places. Create an aura around your explanation and keep your listeners captivated. Use appropriate English words and phrases. Your vocabulary and speech tone should be modified according the location.
2. Use hand gestures
Suitable hand gestures should be given at the time of giving folklore detail. They show that you yourself are interested and excited to be a part of the description. A monotonous tone can be boring and may lead to a lack of interest. The audience should remember what you said till the reminder of their stay.
Sample Conversation:
Situation: You and your tourist batch are visiting Pallakad, a scenic place in Kerala that is famous for its bamboo sticks.
You: Welcome to Pallakad, the home of scenic natural beauty and bamboo sticks. This region is famous for its quality bamboo sticks.
Tourist 1: Wow, this place is quite beautiful, look at those awesome bamboos. It's truly a wonderful sight.
Tourist 2: I have heard some folklore stories of this place. Do you know it?
You: Of course, I will tell you all about it. As you can see, the place is filled with bamboos. They are the basis of a folklore and custom of this place. The story goes like this, once there was a bamboo winnow maker called Pakkanar. He used to earn money by selling winnows by going to the nearest forest, collecting bamboos, making the winnows, and selling them for a good price of Rs. 4. But when the time for payment came, he used to take only Re.1 and the rest Rs 3 went to different accounts from the customer .
Tourist 3: Why? Was he crazy?
You: No, he had a noble logic behind that. He used to believe that humans work only to satisfy their wants. His logic was that he needed only Re.1 for him and his wife to survive. Re.1 for paying back his indebtedness to his parents, Re. 1 for his future generation, Re. 1 as a donation to the poor and the needy. He didn’t want to lose sleep over money, which did not belong to him.
Tourist 4: Wow, that’s nice. Hey, why is there small bamboo winnow models hanging on the sticks?
You: Its part of the local custom to honor Pakkanar. His actions spread the message that it is foolishness to amass huge wealth and then lose sleep over it.
Tourist 5: That’s wonderful, this place has amazing stories.
The above sample conversation highlights how you should talk about the local customs and folklores. With the use of fluent English conversations, you can captivate your audience and take them on a memorable experience. You can take the assistance of free online English tutorials or better join a spoken English program to better your career as a guide.
About eAgeTutor:
eAgeTutor.com is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.
For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.
- By Monika Agarwal
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