How to Prepare for an Interview? - eAge Tutor
Monday, 29 October 2012 06:14

How to Prepare for an Interview?

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Interview and its Significance :

hw_prepare_intrvw_img_1Every person wants to prosper in life. To be comfortable a person needs to be financially independent. A college student wants to get a job as soon as he gets out of college. Every student desires to get a job of their preference but not everyone is lucky enough to become successful in getting his dream job. The key to success is right preparation for an interview that can help a person become confident and successful. If you want to do your best in interviews you should to be mentally and physically fit. Good mental preparation can help you handle interviews better.

How to Prepare for an Interview


Stage 1: Preparation

  1. This involves physical, mental and psychological preparation for an interview. First and foremost try to be well informed about the company. Try to find out relevant information about the company before you appear for the interview. Next you need to wear a formal dress for an interview. Dressing yourself appropriately is very important.
  2. Go through your resume once again and ensure that there is no mistake or error in it. Also your resume should be written in a way that is easy to read. Don’t make it too long or too short. Focus on areas of your experience, skills, qualification.
  3. Interviews are generally held to understand whether you are the right person for the position and the organization or not. So it is important for you to know yourself completely. If you know yourself completely, then you can make the interviewer understand you better.
  4. You need to prepare yourself on the frequently asked questions. Anticipate those questions and prepare yourself well in advance.
  5. First impression is very important. So few things you should keep in mind. Arrive before the interview starts. Have a positive attitude and be confident.
  6. Always be prepared to speak but do not speak too much. Talk to the interviewer very confidently and fluently in English. Don’t be afraid to ask anything if you are not sure of.
  7. Always thank the interviewer for his time.


Some Questions you may want to ask:

  1. You can ask about your job and role you have to play in the company.
  2. Ask the interviewer about the different types of or varieties of projects that you might have to handle.
  3. Who would you be working with? i.e ask about your colleagues.
  4. Where would your office be?
  5. Don’t forget to ask about the remuneration, facilities, and amenities that the company is going to offer you.


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Read 4269 times Last modified on Monday, 30 December 2013 07:29


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