How to explain your job profile, technologies you have worked and skill set? - eAge Tutor
Thursday, 03 October 2013 10:51

How to explain your job profile, technologies you have worked and skill set?

Written by  Monika Agarwal
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You are sitting in an interview at Infosys. During the conversation, the interviewer asks about your job profile, your technological areas and skills. By answering such questions in fluent English, you can showcase the value of your expertise in a more efficient manner. Below are few things to keep in mind.

Things to keep in mind

1. Be specific

It is very important to give specific information about your job profile and the technologies you have worked with. It can be tempting to be vague and generic, but remember that the interviewer will find out the details later anyway.

2. Give details

While being specific, also remember to give details. This will help the other person understand the work profile more clearly. Details can include the specific nature of your work, your daily work routine, your years of experience and your certified skill sets.

3. Be modest

It will be tempting to fib and gloat to show your importance around in the interview. However, this can have serious drawbacks as it makes the other person edgy and create an awkward situation. Hence, it will be helpful to be modest in your explanation, which will then lead to better rapport with your interviewer.

Sample Conversation:

Interviewer : So Ramesh, How are you finding our campus?

You : It’s  great Sir! Hope to be a part of Infosys soon.

Interviewer: Hopefully you will! So tell me, what is your job profile in the current organization?

You : I am the senior Java coder on the development team. I develop the code and manage the team and ensure that the code remains bug free before final deployment.

Interviewer : Wow, that must be hectic. How many years of experience do  you have?

You : Yes, it is. A total of 6 years experience.

Interviewer : That’s really nice! What are your technological areas and skill sets?

You : My technological expertise is in the Java and Python domain. I am a Sun certified Java developer. My skills include object oriented design, analysis and patterns. It also involves an excellent understanding of programming techniques.

Interviewer : That is a good experience.

You: Thanks Sir. I just strive to use my skills to the benefit of my team. Hope,  I will also be a contributing member for the Infosys team.

The above sample shows that you can use your fluent Engish speaking skills to give a clear and modest explanation of your job profile, technologies and skill set. Improvement is the key here and you can do that with the help of an online English teacher.

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- By Monika Agarwal

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Read 4171 times Last modified on Friday, 27 December 2013 08:00


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