How to Structure English Sentences? - eAge Tutor
Tuesday, 30 April 2013 12:50

How to Structure English Sentences? Featured

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What is your motive behind learning English? If you ask this to a bunch of English students, at least 60% of them will give the same answer – in order to speak fluent English. And that is exactly what we aim to do – to help you learn and improve your spoken English.

We have been publishing blogs after blogs, filled with important and helpful tips for not just improving English, but to also help you understand the rules of grammar, syntax and how to form sentences. We hope that you have been benefitting ample from our efforts.

Today's blog is about common phrases used in English. As you must have learnt so far, there is a specific way in which sentences in English are formed, and certain phrases have a common start/ end. Once you understand the basic structure of forming sentences, it will be easier for you to build on it. Spoken English can be classified, roughly, into three categories – Formal, semi-formal, and informal. We will give you a rough idea of how sentences are formed under these three categories.

Formal: These kinds of sentences are usually used in offices and other official setups. In such situations, you need to maintain certain decorum, not just in your conduct, but in your speech as well. Before we give you the basics of formal sentences, remember that words like 'please' and 'thank you' form an important part of the formal conversations. Formal phrases, usually, start with 'You ought to...', like 'You ought to complete this file by evening' or 'you ought to attend this meeting.' This will get the work done, without you sounding too imposing! For a negative sense, you should use 'You ought not to...'.English_structure

Semi-formal: This is when you are speaking to your colleagues or with a client over lunch. You can relax a bit during semi-final conversations, but that does not mean that you should speak nonchalantly. A good way to start a sentence is, 'I think you should + infinitive'. For example, "I think you should increase the quotation' or 'I think you should start using the other software'. The negation of the same would be, 'I don't think you should + infinitive'.

Informal: This is when you are at home, or speaking to your friends. In such situations, all you need to pay attention is to be grammatically sound, and you are sorted. You can form your sentences as you like; just make sure that you keep in mind the basic rules of syntax and grammar.


"How to improve English speaking?" if this question has been giving you sleepless nights, then you have come to the right place. eAgeTutor is the place for all of your English speaking and English fluency needs.

Read 6551 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 07:24


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