Public Speaking - eAge Tutor
Public Speaking

Public Speaking (3)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013 07:33

How to effectively make a presentation?

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There comes a moment in every one's life, when they get a chance to make a presentation. It may be during professional studies, corporate job or a social function. The success of a presentation depends on the caliber of the presenter, which includes strong command over English, the global language. Any presentation will be effective as long as it is delivered confidently, in fluent English and within a reasonable period of time.




Things to keep in mind while presenting


1. Confidence

Confidence is the key to a great presentation. It helps keep the flow of the presentation alive, avoid any instance of stammering and impress the listeners. A presentation that stutters in between will fail to catch the audience attention. You can gain  the required confidence with the help of consistent practice.


2. Good preparation

Do your homework before you do any presentation. Good preparation will help you remember the key points. It is embarrassing to forget something in between a good presentation and bring the entire process to a grinding halt. A good background preparation will also help to enhance your confidence.


3. Over texting

Presentations that are loaded with text are boring. Just list down the key points and present in fluent Englsih. Make use of graphics and animations to add interest to your subject matter.


Any presentation, in order to have the maximum impact, should begin in the right way and conclude graciously.




Sample Presentation format :


A. Beginning

Get the attention of the audience from the start. Say one or two lines to divert them from their current activities. You can say: "Hello Everyone, let's get started." or "Can I have your kind attention please ?"


B. Welcome

It is very important to welcome your audience in the beginning. Without them, you won't have a presentation. Take note to welcome them warmly and politely. You can say: "Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for coming here for this presentation" or "On behalf of Infosys, I would like to welcome you all for this software presentation".


C. Introduction

Let the audience know who you are.Its the most important tenet of presentations.You can say "My name is Rohan Sharma, Senior Manager, Infosys" or "As you know, I am Rohit Bhavan, Cultural Officer of Pune University".


D. Purpose

Every presentation has a purpose. Make the audience understand why they are here and why you are on stage speaking to them. It will give them an incentive to pay attention. You can say "The purpose of our presentation is to showcase before you our revolutionary software." or "What I wish to present before you is our successful steps into redefining our

cultural activities in our college".


E. Doubts

Be clear on how you will deal with doubts during the presentation. It is natural for the audience to have questions and doubts, assure them that it will be taken care of during or after the presentation. You can say "If you have questions, I will gladly answer them during the course of our presentation." or "Any doubts will be cleared after the presentation."


F. Conclusion

It is important to conclude a presentation graciously. Do not read out a thank you note, but rather speak out from your heart. You can say " Thank you for your patient listening and hope this presentation will benefit you immensely".




The above presentation format should be followed judiciously for a great and effective presentation. Effective English communication will help you develop your presentation skills. Learn how to use English for maximum benefit with the help of an online English tutor. All the Best!


About eAgeTutor: is a premier online English learning institute. eAge's world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.


For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our tutor.


- By Monika Agarwal


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Monday, 29 October 2012 05:25

How to Anchor a Program?

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hw_anchor_img_1Anchoring and its meaning:

An anchor is a person who hosts a show or a program. We can also say that anchor is the compere of a program. An anchor plays a very important role in broadcasting a program. Can we imagine a show without an anchor? The answer to this question is a big No. Anchors can attract the viewers and keep them tuned to the program that he or she is anchoring. Anchors can attract viewers by their charming personality and speaking skills. The anchor should sound very confident while speaking to their audience.


How to Anchor a Program

How to Anchor a Show

Here are some tips on how to become a successful anchor. The tips are mentioned below:

  1. According to the famous TV anchor called Michael Peschardt “Don’t wish for the big break soon.” By this statement he implies very clearly that do not hope for overnight success. Success will surely come but you need to be very patient and keep on doing the hard work. If you know how to speak and if you are good at the subject you’ll surely become successful one day. Success comes by age and experience. It is important to wait for the right time or the right break to excel in the profession of anchoring.
  2. If you wish to stand out in anchoring, it is essential for you to know your subject very well. For example if you wish to host shows on sports or entertainment it is always good to have a thorough knowledge about the subject. A lot of hard work needs to be put in to know your subject.
  3. Anchoring is not a very easy task. It is quite natural for an anchor to feel nervous before the start of the program. But you should not reveal your nervousness to the audience. If you know your subject really well, you can feel more confident and less nervous.
  4. You can also take professional help to get over your nervousness. The professional training will help you to boost your morale.
  5. Last but not the least you should be very fluent in speaking. You should possess excellent communication skills. As an anchor has to speak a lot to connect to his audience. If you really want to take this up as your profession and feel you are lagging behind in communication, you can take professional help from the experts. Nowadays many spoken English classes are conducted online. You can enroll yourself in one such class to improve your speaking skills, diction and pronunciation.


Want to know more about “How to anchor a program?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit


Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.


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Tuesday, 18 September 2012 08:25

How to make a presentation in front of audience?

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What is a Presentation:hw_make_presentation_img1

A lecture, demonstration or a speech shown and explained with the help of some gadgets to the audience is known as presentation. There can be different kinds of presentations like training sessions, sales presentations, reports, interviews, briefing. One of the important parts of interview process is making presentation to the audience. You may be asked to do a presentation on any topic of your choice, or the interviewer can choose a topic and ask you to make a presentation on it. The objective is to check your subject knowledge as well as to test your public speaking skills.



How to Make a Presentation


Some important tips on how to make a presentation are stated below:

  1. Dress smartly and be positive and enthusiastic
  2. Greet your audience.
  3. Start your presentation very ardently. You should not sound low or feel depressed. Remain cheerful and elating all throughout the presentation. Cheerfulness and enthusiastic behavior will help you feel confident and also create a positive impression in the minds of the audience.
  4. Speak clearly and confidently. You need to speak smartly, fluently, and clearly in English so that you are audible to everyone in the audience. Don’t speak too fast or too slow. Do not raise your tone but speak in a soft tone.
  5. Pause for sometime before emphasizing on an important point. This gives a hint to the audience that some important points will be discussed now.
  6. Make your presentation interesting and interactive. Try to interact with the audience by asking them questions. Also make eye contact with everyone in the audience. Don’t just give importance to the audience sitting on the front seats. Try to involve everyone in the audience and make it interesting.
  7. It will really sound boring if you simply read out from the presentation that you have made. Jot down the points on cards and try to refer to them whenever possible.
  8. Practice makes a man perfect. So practice at home in front of a mirror. Record your presentation and play it to find out how it went. Try to track your time spent on the presentation. All the presentations are time bound. So you should finish your presentation within the allocated time.
  9. PowerPoint slides should be kept clean and simple. Use pictures, charts wherever possible in your PowerPoint.
  10. Good preparation will reduce nervousness and make you confident and focused.

Structure of the Presentation

hw_make_presentation_img3STRUCTURE OF A PRESENTATION

  1. Introduction: Greet the audience. Let them know the topic of your presentation.
  2. In the middle of your presentation, narrate the story and present your arguments. Graphs and pictures can be used to make your work easier and simpler.
  3. In the conclusion, summarize all the key points and don’t forget to thank your audience for listening.


Want to know more about “How to make a presentation in front of audience?” Click here to schedule live online session with e Tutor!

About eAge Tutoring: is the premier online tutoring provider. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts from around the globe help you to improve in an all round manner. Assignments and tasks based on a well researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. For further information on online English speaking course or to experience the wonders of virtual classroom fix a demonstration session with our tutor. Please visit

Contact us today to know more about our spoken English program and experience the exciting world of e-learning.


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